Hello everyone!
How's your Japanese going?
You can introduce yourself already, can't you?
By the way, I saw you talking with a girl.
Is that your girlfriend? What is she like??? Is she taller than you???? How tall is she????? Does she speak Japanese as well?????? Can you introduce me to her????????
Why don't you say anything?
Oh well, ok.
In this lesson, we'll practice talking 'bout people.
Think of three people you know. Try to describe them :)
Let me give you some vocabulary :)
・年齢(ねんれい) AGE
*若い(わかい)[adj] young
年寄り(としより)[adj] old (formal but sounds rude)
年を取っている(としをとっている)[adj] getting old (informal and a bit rude but better than 年寄り)
10代(じゅうだい)[n] teenager
見た目より若い[phr] younger than she/he looks
見た目より老(ふ)けている[phr] older than she/he looks
・見た目(みため) LOOKS
*かっこいい[adj] cool, handsome, good-looking
ださい[adj] not very good-looking (informal)
かわいい[adj] cute
美人(びじん)[adj][n] beautiful
・髪型(かみがた) HAIR(STYLE)
*長髪(ちょうはつ)[n] long hair
ロン毛(ろんげ)[n] long hair (informal)
パーマ[n] curly hair, perm
ハゲ(はげ)[adj] bald
坊主(ぼうず)[n] shaven head
・体重(たいじゅう) WEIGHT
*痩(や)せている[adj] thin, skinny
デブ(でぶ)[n] a fat (informal)
ふくよか[adj] plump
ぽっちゃり[adj] plump (informal)
・背の高さ(せのたかさ) HEIGHT
*長身(ちょうしん)[n] tall
短身(たんしん)[n] short,small
背が高い[phr] tall (formal)
背が低い[phr] short, small (formal)
*怠け者(なまけもの)[adj] lazy
働き者(はたらきもの)[n] herd-worker
親切(しんせつ)な[adj] kind
のんびり屋(や)な, のんきな, [adj] easy-going
気分屋(きぶんや)な[adj] moody
静かな(しずかな)[adj] quiet
偉そうな(えらそうな)[adj] bossy
おしゃべりな[adj] talkative
1.Describing people
Think of three people you know.
Answer these questions below.
・彼/彼女とはどのような関係(かんけい)ですか? What is your relationship with him/her?
e.g. answer
彼は私のーーーーです。 He is my friend.
・彼/彼女は何歳(なんさい)ですか?How old is he/she?
・彼/彼女はいくつぐらいですか? How old is he/she about?
e.g. answer
彼女はーーーーです。私よりもーーーです。She is 18 years old. She is younger than me.
・彼/彼女はどのような人ですか? What is he/she like?
e.g. answer
彼はーーーーです。 He is kind.
彼女のーーはとてもーーーです。 Her hair is very long.
彼はカレーが好きで、かなりーーーいます。 He likes curry and he is quite overweight.
e.g. answer
He is my friend. His name is Kanon.
Kanon is a primary school pupil. Kanon is kind and talkative.
His dream is to become a teacher.
I've been to Germany with him.
Some times we have an argument but we are good frinds.
He often wears a hat.
Last his birthday, I gave him a hat.
He was very pleased.
He is my best friend.
Let's use modifiers to make a noun and adjective stronger, weaker and emphasising.
1.とても (very/really) + adjective
彼女はとてもやさしいです。 She is very nice.
彼はとても偉そうです。 He is really bossy.
Q.彼はーーー背が高いです。 He is very tall.
2.かなり(quite) + adjective
彼はかなり傷つきやすい人です。 He is a quite sensitive person.
彼女はかなりお金持ちです。 She is quite rich.
Q.彼はーーー怠け者です。 He is quite lazy.
3.少(すこ)し(a bit) + adjective
彼は少しのんきです。 he is a bit easy-going.
彼女は少し気分屋です。 She is a bit moody.
Q.彼はーーーこどもっぽいです。 He is a bit childish.
3.Reading practice
Read these sentences below and answer questions.
・先生はどんな人? (What is the new teacher like?)
かのん: ただいま!お母さん!(I'm home! My mum!)
お母さん: おかえりなさい!学校はどうだった?(Welcome back! How was school?)
かのん; 楽しかったよ!今日新しい先生が来たんだ!(it was fun! New teacher came today!)
お母さん; あら、男の人?女の人?( Oh well, a man? or woman?)
かのん: 女の人!れな先生っていうんだ!メガネをかけていて静かな人だったよ!(Woman! Her name is Rena! She was wearing glasses and was a quiet person!
お母さん:あら、よかったわね。若い先生なの?(Oh well, sounds good. Is she a young teacher?)
かのん:24歳って言ってた。けいと君が先生に彼氏はいるの?って聞いたら、先生赤くなってたよ!(She said that she is 24 years old! Keito asked her that she has a boyfriend or not and then she blushed!)
お母さん:かわいい先生ね。きっとやさしい人なんだね。(She is cute, isn't she? She might be kind I guess)
1.新しい先生の名前は?(What's the name of the new teacher?)
2.新しい先生はどんな人?(What is the new teacher like?)
ーーーーをーーーー ----な人。
3.新しい先生の年齢は?(How old is the new teacher)
4.あなたは新しい先生はどんな人だと思いますか?自分の言葉で紹介してみてください。(What do you think that the new teacher is like? Describe her in your own words.)
How was today's lesson?
Actually, today was practice part.
I'm gonna post a practice part like today's one if it helps you guys.
Was it too easy for you??
Do you want me to post more difficult one than today's one???
Gimme your advice seriously (´・ω・)
Anyway, I'll call it a day.
I hope my blog helps you guys.
3.Reading practice
1.新しい先生の名前は?(What's the name of the new teacher?)
れな 先生。
2.新しい先生はどんな人?(What is the new teacher like?)
めがね を かけた/かけていて 静かな 人。
3.新しい先生の年齢は?(How old is the new teacher)
Kanji Practice Sheets Download.
Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here: JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26
みなさん、こんにちは! 日本語教師のひろです(/・ω・)/ 今日は、 日本人も間違えている文法 できなそう VS できなさそう について、書きたいと思います。 というのも、 「~そうにありませんね。 」を、 初めて勉強したクラスの 学生の宿題をチェッ...
In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you some basic Kanji. According to study, 50.000 ~ 80.000 Kanji are discovered in China and Japan. Wha...