Hi guys.
In JLPT N5, thre're about 500 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/
- 並ぶ(ならぶ)[v] to stand in a line
- 並べる(ならべる)[v] to line up
- 習う(ならう)[v] to learn, to be tought
- なる[v] to become
- 寝る(ねる)[v] to go to bed
- 登る(のぼる)[v] to climb, to go up
- 飲む(のむ)[v] to drink
- 乗る(のる)[v] to ride, to get on (transport)
- 脱ぐ(ぬぐ)[v] to take off (clothes, shoes)
- 覚える(おぼえる)[v] to remember, to memorise
- 起きる(おきる)[v] to get up, wake up, to rise
- 置く(おく)[v] to put, to place
- 降りる(おりる)[v] to get off
- 教える(おしえる)[v] to teach
- 押す(おす)[v] to push, to press
- 終わる(おわる)[v] to finish, to end
- 泳ぐ(およぐ)[v] to swim
- 咲く(さく)[v] to bloom
- 閉める(しめる)[v] to close, to shut
- 締める(しめる)[v] to tie
- 死ぬ(しぬ)[v] to die, to pass away
- 知る(しる)[v] to know, to be aware of
- 住む(すむ)[v] to live
- する/やる[v] to do
- 吸う(すう)[v] to suck, to smoke (sigarette)
- 座る(すわる)[v] to sit, to have a seat
- 食べる(たべる)[v] to eat
- 頼む(たのむ)[v] to ask, to request
- 立つ(たつ)[v] to stand
- 飛ぶ(とぶ)[v] to fly
- 止まる(とまる)[v] to stop (moving)
- 取る(とる)[v] to take, to pick up
- 撮る(とる)[v] to take (a photo), to record (a video)
- 使う(つかう)[v] to use
- 着く(つく)[v] to arrive
- 作る(つくる)[v] to make
- 勤める(つとめる)[v] to work (for), to be employed (at)
- 生まれる(うまれる)[v] to be born
- 売る(うる)[v] to sell
- 歌う(うたう)[v] to sing
- 分かる(わかる)[v] to understand, to comprehend
- 忘れる(わすれる)[v] to forget
- 渡る(わたる)[v] to cross
- 渡す(わたす)[v] to pass someone (things), to hand in
- 休む(やすむ)[v] to take a day off, to relax
- 呼ぶ(よぶ)[v] to call
- 読む(よむ)[v] to read
- 困る(こまる)[v] to have trouble, to have difficulty
- 色々な(いろいろな)[adj] various
- 痛い(いたい)[adj] paintful, sore
- 好きな(すきな)[adj] like
- 嫌いな(きらいな)[adj] dislike
- 辛い(からい)[adj] spicy, hot
- 軽い(かるい)[adj] light (weight)
- 重い(おもい)[adj] heavy
- 可愛い(かわいい)[adj] cute, pretty, lovely, adorable
- 黄色い(きいろい)[adj] yellow
- 黒い(くろい)[adj] black
- 緑の(みどりの)[adj] green
- 汚い(きたない)[adj] dirty, filthy
- きれいな[adj] beautiful
- 暗い(くらい)[adj] dark, gloomy
- 丸い(まるい)[adj] circular, round
- 不味い(まずい)[adj] unappetizing, unsavory
- 美味しい(おいしい)[adj] ptasty, delicious
- 短い(みじかい)[adj] short
- 長い(ながい)[adj] long
- 難しい(むずかしい)[adj] difficult, hard
- 易しい(やさしい)[adj] easy
- 面白い(おもしろい)[adj] interesting, funny
- 多い(おおい)[adj] many, a lot
- 少ない(すくない)[adj] a little, a few
- 遅い(おそい)[adj] slow, late
- 寒い(さむい)[adj] cold
- 狭い(せまい)[adj] narrow
- 白い(しろい)[adj] white
- 静かな(しずかな)[adj] quiet, silent
- 涼しい(すずしい)[adj] cool, refreshing
- 大変な(たいへんな)[adj] terrible, serious
- 大切な(たいせつな)[adj] important
- 高い(たかい)[adj] high, tall, expensive
- 楽しい(たのしい)[adj] enjoyable, fun
- 遠い(とおい)[adj] far
- 冷たい(つめたい)[adj] cold (things)
- 強い(つよい)[adj] strong, powerful
- 弱い(よわい)[adj] weak
- 薄い(うすい)[adj] thin, pale
- 若い(わかい)[adj] young
- 悪い(わるい)[adj] bad
- 安い(やすい)[adj] cheap
- 東(ひがし)[n] east
- 西(にし)[n] west
- 南(みなみ)[n] south
- 北(きた)[n] north
- 東西南北(とうざいなんぼく)[n] the four points of the compass
- 春(はる)[n] spring
- 夏(なつ)[n] summer
- 秋(あき)[n] autumn
- 冬(ふゆ)[n] winter
- 春夏秋冬(しゅんかしゅうとう)[n] the four seasons