Hi guys.
In JLPT N5, thre're about 500 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/
- 春(はる)[n] spring
- 夏(なつ)[n] summer
- 秋(あき)[n] autumn, fall
- 冬(ふゆ)[n] winter
- 雨(あめ)[n] rain
- 家族(かぞく)[n] familiy
- 家庭(かてい)[n] home, family, household
- 兄(あに)[n] old brother
- 弟(おとうと)[n] young brother
- 姉(あね)[n] old sister
- 妹(いもうと)[n] young sister
- 父(ちち)[n] father
- 母(はは)[n] mother
- 朝(あさ)[n] morning
- 昼(ひる)[n] afternoon
- 晩(ばん)[n] evening (formal)
- 朝ご飯(あさごはん)[n] breakfast
- 昼ご飯 (ひるごはん)[n] lunch
- 晩ご飯 (ばんごはん)[n] dinner
- 午前(ごぜん)[n]
- 午後(ごご)[n]
- 明日 (あした)[n] tomorrow
- 明後日(あさって)[n] the day after tomorrow
- 体(からだ)[n] body
- 足(あし)[n] foot, feet
- 頭(あたま)[n] head
- 鼻(はな)[n] nose
- 歯(は)[n] tooth, teeth
- 番号(ばんごう)[n] number
- 勉強(べんきょう)[n] study
- 帽子(ぼうし)[n] hat, cap
- 病院(びょういん)[n] hospital
- 病気(びょうき)[n] illness, disease
- 茶碗(ちゃわん)[n] rice bowl
- 地下鉄(ちかてつ)[n] subway, underground
- 地図(ちず)[n] map
- 台所(だいどころ)[n] kitchen
- 大学(だいがく)[n] university
- 入口(いりぐち)[n]
- 出口(でぐち)[n] exit
- 電気(でんき)[n] electricity, light
- 電車(でんしゃ)[n] train
- 電話(でんわ)[n] telephone, phone
- 月曜日(げつようび)[n] Monday
- 火曜日(かようび)[n] Tuesday
- 水曜日(すいようび)[n] Wednesday
- 木曜日(もくようび)[n] Thursday
- 金曜日(きんようび)[n] Friday
- 土曜日(どようび)[n] Saturday
- 日曜日(にちようび)[n] Sunday
- 絵(え)[n] picture, drawing, painting
- 映画(えいが)[n] film, movie
- 映画館(えいがかん)[n] cinema, movie theater
- 駅(えき)[n] station
- 鉛筆(えんぴつ)[n] pencil
- 服(ふく)[n] clothes
- 封筒(ふうとう)[n] envelope
- 学生(がくせい)[n] student
- 学校(がっこう)[n] school
- 外国(がいこく)[n] foreign country
- 外国人(がいこくじん)[n] foreigner
- 玄関(げんかん)[n] vestibule, entrance, porch
- 銀行(ぎんこう)[n] bank
- 動物 (どうぶつ)[n] animal
- 鶏肉 (とりにく)[n] chicken (meat)
- 豚肉(ぶたにく)[n] pork (meat)
- 牛肉(ぎゅうにく)[n] beef (meat)
- 牛乳(ぎゅうにゅう)[n] milk
- 灰皿(はいざら)[n] ashtray
- 箱(はこ)[n] box
- 花(はな)[n] flower, blossom
- 箸(はし)[n] chopsticks
- 橋(はし)[n] bridge
- 部屋(へや)[n] room
- 飛行機(ひこうき)[n] airplane, aircraft
- 人(ひと)[n] person, human, people
- 本(ほん)[n] book
- 本棚(ほんだな)[n] bookshelf
- 本当(ほんとう)[n] truth, reality
- 家(いえ)[n] house, home
- 池(いけ)[n] pond
- 意味(いみ)[n] meaning, significance
- 犬(いぬ)[n] dog
- 色(いろ)[n] colour
- 医者(いしゃ)[n] doctor
- 椅子(いす)[n] chair, stool
- 自動車(じどうしゃ)[n] car, automobile
- 自転車(じてんしゃ)[n] bicycle
- 時間(じかん)[n] time, hours
- 辞書(じしょ)[n] dictionary
- 授業(じゅぎょう)[n] lesson, class
- 鞄(かばん)[n] bag
- 花瓶(かびん)[n] vase
- 角(かど)[n] corner, edge
- 鍵(かぎ)[n] key, loch
- 階段(かいだん)[n] stairs
- 買い物(かいもの)[n] shopping
- 会社(かいしゃ)[n] company
- 紙(かみ)[n] paper
- 傘(かさ)[n] umbrella