Thursday, 15 March 2018

Let's introduce yourself in Japanese! #1

In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you how to introduce oneself in Japanese.
If you don't know Japanese grammar yet but don't worry about it.
You just remember how to introduce yourself as a phrase.
You can learn grammar later.
And then today's lesson will help you to understand complicated grammar.
So you don't have to think about how は works in this case or Why が is used in this case.
You'll see later if you keep learning Japanese. hehe
Anyway, Let's start!
When you first meet someone what do you say?

Hello! .My name is (Hiro). Nice to meet you.

like this? It's a easy sentence, right?
But can you say that in Japanese?
Let's have a look how to say in Japanese.

こんにちは! わたしの名前(なまえ)は ひろ です。 よろしくお願(ねが)いします。(formal)/ よろしく!(informal)
(Kon nichiwa! Watashi no namae wa hiro desu. Yoroshiku onegai shi masu.)

*名前(なまえ)[n] name
  お願い(おねがい)[n][adv] please

And you can say '初めまして(はじめまして)' at the beginning for polite.
It means that this is the first time we've met.
You can't say it to someone who you've met before.
If you say it again you'll be in a trouble. hehe

Oh well, you're able to read Japanese letter already, right?
If not plz check  Let's learn Japanese letter!. 

Ok, so now you're ready to start a conversation.
They might ask you where you're from.
Where are you from? (どこから来ましたか?どこの出身ですか?)
How do you answer it?

わたしは、日本出身です。/Watashi wa Nihon shusshin desu.
(わたしは、にほんしゅっしんです。I'm from Japan)

わたしは、日本から来ました。/Watashi wa Nihon kara kimasita.
わたしは、にほんからきました。I'm coming from Japan)


How old are you?(何才ですか?/いくつ?(informal))

わたしは、18才(歳)です。/Watashi wa juu hassai desu.
(I'm 18 years old.)

What do you do?(何してるの?)

わたしは、学生です。/Watashi wa gakusei desu.
(I'm a student)

*学生(がくせい)[n] student/s

わたしは、仕事をしています。/Watashi wa shigoto wo site imasu.
(I have a job)

仕事(しごと)[n] work, job

Do you have any hobby? What do you do in your spare time?

*趣味(しゅみ) [n]hobby, pastime, interest

わたしの趣味は、本を読むことです。/Watashi no shumi wa hon wo yomu koto desu.
(My hobby is reading books.)

*本(ほん)[n] book
 読む(よむ)[v] to read

わたしは映画をみるのが好きです。/Watashi wa eiga wo miru no ga suki desu.
(I like to watch films)

*映画(えいが)[n] movie, film
  好き*(すき)[v] to like, to love

Hm,, anything else?
Well, I'm gonna ask you about another things next lesson. hehe
Let me give you some vocabularys :)

*友達(ともだち)[n] friend/s  //ともだちとあそぶ
  遊ぶ(あそぶ)[v] to play
  買い物(かいもの)[n] shopping //かいものに行く //かいものをする
  ゲーム(げーむ)[n] a video game [v] to play a video game
  ダンス(だんす)[n] dance //ダンスをする
  名前(なまえ)[n] name
  お願い(おねがい)[n][adv] please
  学生(がくせい)[n] student/s
  趣味(しゅみ) [n]hobby, pastime, interest
  本(ほん)[n] book
  読む(よむ)[v] to read
  映画(えいが)[n] movie, film
  好き(すき)[v] to like, to love

Now you're ready to introduce yourself.
Plz comment below or post on HelloTalk.




My HelloTalk ID is 'hiro07.WDLJ'.
Plz follow me :)
And tell me what you wanna know.
Thank you.


Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26