According to study, 50.000 ~ 80.000 Kanji are discovered in China and Japan.
What the hell do I have to remember all of them??!!
Don't worry, you just remember about 2.000 of them.
Sounds easy, right? hehe
So, you just need to learn 2.000 Kanji which are called 常用漢字(じょうようかんじ)Jouyoukanji.
They are used in dairy life.
It might be hard to remember Kanji for now. But if you learn basic Kanji it'll be easy to remember more complicated Kanji.
Anyway, let's have a look some basic Kanji :)
一 音読み:・イチ ・イツ 訓読み:・かず ・はじめ ・ひと(つ)
Meaning: 'one'
Example sentence: 一から十までかぞえる。/Ichi kara juu made kazoeru.
(Counting from 1 to 10.)
Hm,, I gotta explain 音読み(おんよみ) and 訓読み (くんよみ).
First of all., Kanji is coming from China.
Therefore they still have a pronunciation in Chinese.
We call it おんよみ(Onyomi).
Basically when it's pronounced as Onyomi it needs another Kanji.
For example, 休日 means 'a day off'/'holiday' and pronunciation is きゅうじつ as Onyomi.
They have Kunyomi as well I'm gonna write them below.
Kunyomi could be pronounced with Hiragana.
For example, 休み means 'a rest'/'a break time'/'a day off'/'holiday' and pronunciation is やす(み) as Kunyomi.
In short, Onyomi can't be pronounced with Hiragana.
Hm,, I hope you can understand them.
Probably I have to explain them again later sry guys ;/
Anyway, we don't have to learn everything at this time,right? :0
Let's have a look some more Kanji.
休 音: ・キュウ 訓:・やす(み)
Meaning: 'rest'
Example sentence: あしたはお休みです。/Asita ha o yasumi desu.
(Tomorrow is a day off)
Tip:やす(み) is mere an example. it could be やすむ, やすんで, etc,,休 can be pronounced just やす as Kunyomi.
You don't have to remember inside of ().
And Kanji could have various meanings. So Meaning like I wrote above is also just an example.
日 音:・ニチ・ジツ 訓:・ひ・か
Meaning: 'day'
Example sentence: わたしはまい日べんきょうします。/Watashi wa mainiti benkyou simasu.
(I study everyday)
This lesson is for beginner. So I'm not gonna use Kanji which I didn't explain in my lesson yet in example sentence. Or use only basic Kanji.
Is it ok for you guys?
Plz gimme your advice as comment below :)
右 音;・ウ・ユウ 訓:・みぎ
Meaning: 'right'
Example sentence: 右の手をあげてください。/Migi no te wo agete kudasai.
(Please raise your right hand.)
雨 音:・ウ 訓:・あめ・あま
Meaning: 'rain'
Example sentence: 今日は雨がふっています。/Kyou wa ame ga hutte imasu.
(It's raining today)
円 音:・エン 訓:・まる・まる(い)
Meaning: 'a circle' 'Japanese yen(currency)'
Example sentence: 一円玉見つけた!/Ichi en dama mituketa!
(I found 1 yen!)
王 音:・オウ
Meaning: 'a king'
Example sentence: 王さまになりたい!/Ou sama ni naritai!
(I wanna be a king!)
音 音:・オン・イン 訓:・おと・ね
Meaning: 'a sound'
Example sentence: 今の音聞こえた?/Ima no oto kikoeta?
(Did you hear that sound?)
下 音:・カ・ゲ 訓:・した・しも・もと
Example sentence: それ上下がさかさまだよ!/Sore jouge ga sakasama dayo!
(It's upside down!)
火 音 :・カ 訓:・ひ
Meaning: 'a fire'
Example sentence: 火に近づかないでね!/Hi ni tikadukanai dene!
(Do not close to a fire!)
Phew, We did a lots today, right?
I hope these things will help you guys.
I gotta make my blog better. So plz gimme your help :)
Anyway, I'll call it a day.
I'm gonna post Kanji course from level 0 to 100 :)
You'll end up being able to live in Japan.
Sounds nice, doesn't it? hehe
Thank you for reading my lesson :)