Saturday, 17 March 2018

Let's learn Grammar 「~だ。」「~です。」

Hi evereone!
How are you doing?
I'm fine. :)
In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you what 「だ」and 「です」are and how to use them.
They are used to declare what something is just like [To be] in English.

For example, 'I am fine' you can say 'わたしは、げんきです/だ。
They are the same meaning but です is more polite than だ.
In my view as Japanese, we do not use だ that much while we basically use です.
Because in Japanese when speaking to a teacher, your boss, people who is older than you even 1 year, or you're not familiar you should use the polite form which is called 丁寧語(ていねいご).
This is the one of complicated  Japanese grammar. We distinguish polite form, respectful form and honorific form when we speak to people.
Probably you've heard of it. But you don't have to think about it for now.
Because basic is basically polite. hehe

「だ」「です」 could be attached to noun or adjective and used for expresses presence and future.
As for example,
It is an apple. それは、りんごです。
It is beautiful. それは、きれいです。
And here is a tip. We tend to omit Subject such as 'It' especially when answer.
Is it an apple?  それは、りんごですか?
Yes, (it) is an apple. はい、りんごです。
Is it beautiful?  それは、きれいですか?
Yes, it is. はい、きれいです。

Just notice that In English, [to be] is used to declare what it is or where it is.
For example, He is a student. He is at school. Right?
However, In Japanese 「だ」and「です」is used to declare only what it is.
You can say 'かれは学生です。(He is a student)' but you can't say 'かれは学校です。'.
If you wanna say 'He is at school' you can say 'かれは学校にいます。'
This is an another grammar so I'm gonna explain it in another lesson. :)

Now let's do some exercises! :)
Let me give you some vocabularies.

*子ども(こども)[n] child/children
  大人(おとな)[n] adult
  友達(ともだち)[n] friend/s
  車(くるま)[n] car/s
  魚(さかな)[n] fish
  お肉(おにく)[n] meat

1.He is a child.                             かれは、・・・・・。
2.She is an adult.        かのじょは、・・・・・。
3.He is my friend.                        かれはわたしの、・・・・・・。
4.That is a car.                             あれは、・・・・・。
5.This is a fish.                            これは、・・・・・。
6.This is a meat.                           ・・・、・・・・・。

How was today's lesson?
「だ」and「です」 are used for expresses precense and future.
So when speaking about past and negative they change their form.
But it's not too difficult if you understand today's lesson. :)
Oh, do not mention about my English. XD
I'll also improve my English to teach you guys Japanese language.
If I make a mistake plz correct me. :)
Making a mistake is the best way to learn new things. :)
Let's study together!!

Thank you.


Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26