Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Let's learn past tense + verb !

Hi everyone!
How are you doing?
I walked with my dog for 2 hours this morning.
It was fun but made me tired. :/

In this lesson, we'll learn about past tense form of verb.
It's not difficult if you're understanding 'ru-verb' and 'u-verb'.
If you don't know it yet plz check here and make sure that you're understanding it.
Are we on the same page?
Ok then, Let's start today's lesson. :)

Past tense sentence is quite simple.
Just add 「ました」at the end of sentence instead of 「ます」.
For exaple,
I walked.     わたしは、歩きました。
I ate.           わたしは、食べました。

See? It's easy enough,isn't it?
However you need to think 'bout conjugations.
But you're getting used to conjugations, aren't you?

How to conjugate ru-verb to past tense is just drop 「る」(ru) from the end of infinitive and add 「ました」.
As for example,
「見る」MIRU → MI + ました = MIました  →見ました
「寝る」NERU →NE + ました = NEました  →寝ました

However, there're also some irregular verb as same as present form.
As for example, 「走る」HASHIRU is ended in IRU sound which is supposed to be ru-verb.
However, 「走る」connects to 「ました」replacing  'u' with 'i'.

Hashir 'u' + 'i' + ました =Hashir i ました.  → はしりました。

「帰る」KAERU is also an irregular verb.
Kaer 'u' + 'i' + ました =Kaer i ました. →かえりました。
*Here is a tip.
This is the same way to conjugate as negative form.
As for exaple,
Hashir 'u' + 'i' + ません =Hashir i ません.  → はしりません。

There're only few irregular verbs which you should know.
I listed them below.

・入る(はいる)[v] to enter, come in
・走る(はしる)[v] to run
・帰る(かえる)[v] to go back
・切る(きる)[v] to cut
・知る(しる)[v] to know
・分かる(わかる)[v] to understand

What 'bout u-verb is easy.

Just drop 'u' sound from end of infinitive and add 'i' + 「ません」the same as irregular ru-verb.
Oyog 'u' + 'i' + ました = Oyogiました. → 泳ぎました
Hanas 'u' + 'i' + ました = Hanasiました. → 話しました
NOM 'u' + 'i' + ました = NOMiました. → 飲みました
Ka 'u' + 'i' + ません = KAiました. → 買いました

Let's do some exercises. :)

1.I bought a car yesterday.                           わたしは昨日、車を(    )ました。
2.She spoke English to me somehow.  なぜだか,かのじょはわたしに、英語を(    )ました。
3.He drank my coffee.         かれは、わたしのコーヒーを(    )ました。
4.I watched a film with him.                       わたしはかれと、映画を(    )ました。
5.He washed his hands finally.                    かれはついに手を、(    )ました。

How was today's lesson?
It was easy, wasn't it?
And you must be getting used to ru-verb and u-verb.
分かりました!って人は put your hands up! (/・ω・)/
See you next lesson....

Thanks. Peace.

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26