How are you doing?
I walked with my dog for 2 hours this morning.
It was fun but made me tired. :/
In this lesson, we'll learn about past tense form of verb.
It's not difficult if you're understanding 'ru-verb' and 'u-verb'.
If you don't know it yet plz check here and make sure that you're understanding it.
Are we on the same page?
Ok then, Let's start today's lesson. :)
Past tense sentence is quite simple.
Just add 「ました」at the end of sentence instead of 「ます」.
For exaple,
I walked. わたしは、歩きました。
I ate. わたしは、食べました。
See? It's easy enough,isn't it?
However you need to think 'bout conjugations.
But you're getting used to conjugations, aren't you?
How to conjugate ru-verb to past tense is just drop 「る」(ru) from the end of infinitive and add 「ました」.
As for example,
However, there're also some irregular verb as same as present form.
As for example, 「走る」HASHIRU is ended in IRU sound which is supposed to be ru-verb.
However, 「走る」connects to 「ました」replacing 'u' with 'i'.
Hashir '
「帰る」KAERU is also an irregular verb.
Kaer '
*Here is a tip.
This is the same way to conjugate as negative form.
As for exaple,
Hashir '
There're only few irregular verbs which you should know.
I listed them below.
・入る(はいる)[v] to enter, come in
・走る(はしる)[v] to run
・帰る(かえる)[v] to go back
・切る(きる)[v] to cut
・知る(しる)[v] to know
・分かる(わかる)[v] to understand
What 'bout u-verb is easy.
Just drop 'u' sound from end of infinitive and add 'i' + 「ません」the same as irregular ru-verb.
Oyog '
Hanas '
Ka '
Let's do some exercises. :)
1.I bought a car yesterday. わたしは昨日、車を( )ました。
2.She spoke English to me somehow. なぜだか,かのじょはわたしに、英語を( )ました。
3.He drank my coffee. かれは、わたしのコーヒーを( )ました。
4.I watched a film with him. わたしはかれと、映画を( )ました。
5.He washed his hands finally. かれはついに手を、( )ました。
How was today's lesson?
It was easy, wasn't it?
And you must be getting used to ru-verb and u-verb.
分かりました!って人は put your hands up! (/・ω・)/
See you next lesson....
Thanks. Peace.