Sunday, 25 March 2018

Let's learn what te-form is!

Hi everyone!
How are you guys?
I'm wondering how I can teach Japanese.

*教える(おしえる)[v] to teach
  悩む(なやむ)[v] to wonder

In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you 'bout 'te-form' of verbs.
Cuz te-form is used for various grammar. In the other words, 'te-form' is basic knowledge.
Be4 explain it let me give you some examples using te-form of verbs.
わたしは、お魚を食べています。( I'm eating fish)
お肉を食べてもいいですか? ( Could I eat/have fish?)
やさいを食べてはいけません。(Do not eat vegetables) *野菜(やさい)[n] vegetable

verb 「食べる」is conjugated to 'te-form' in these grammar above.
This is why 'te-form' is important and useful!
I'm gonna talk 'bout grammar later.
Just focus how to conjugate verbs to 'te-form' for now. :)

So, you know there're 2 types of verb ru-verb and u-verb, right?
If you don't know it yet plz check Here!
Now,we're on the same page.k?

How to conjugate ru-verb to te-form is quite simple.
Just drop 「る」(ru) from the end of infinitive and add 「て」.
As for example,
「見る」MIRU → MI + て = MIて  →見て
「寝る」NERU →NE + て = NEて  →寝て

However, there're also some irregular verb as same as positive form.
As for example, 「走る」HASHIRU is ended in IRU sound which is supposed to be ru-verb.
However, 「走る」turns into 'te-form' droping 'る' and adding 'って'.
HASHIRU →HASHI+ って =HASHIって.   → 走って

「帰る」KAERU is also an irregular verb.
KAERU →KAE + って =KAEって.      →帰って

There're only few irregular verbs which you should know.
I listed them below.

・入る(はいる)[v] to enter, come in
・走る(はしる)[v] to run
・帰る(かえる)[v] to go back
・切る(きる)[v] to cut
・知る(しる)[v] to know
・分かる(わかる)[v] to understand

What 'bout u-verb is more complicated than ru-verb sadly.
Cuz there're 4 categories of u-verb.
These 4 categories depend on the last sound of the verb.

If the sound of the verb is 「す」such as 「話す」it's replaced 「す」with 「して」.
「話す」HANASU → HANA + して = HANAして  →話して
「渡す」WATASU → WATA + して = WATAして   →渡して
*渡す(わたす)[v] to pass

If the sound of the verb is 「く」such as 「書く」it's replaced 「く」with 「いて」.
If the sound of the verb is 「ぐ」such as 「泳ぐ」it's replaced 「ぐ」with 「いで」.
「書く」KAKU → KA + いて = KAいて  →書いて
「泳ぐ」OYOGU → OYO + いで = OYOいで   →泳いで

If the sound of the verb is 「む」「ぶ」or 「ぬ」such as 「飲む」it's replaced 「む」「ぶ」or「ぬ」with 「んで」.
「飲む」NOMU → NO + んで = NOんで    →飲んで
「遊ぶ」ASOBU → ASO + んで = ASOんで   →遊んで
「死ぬ」SHINU → SHI + んで = SHIんで    →死んで 

If the sound of the verb is 「う」or「つ」such as 「買う」it's replaced 「う」or「つ」with 「って」.(Just make sure that 「って」is small 'っ')
「買う」KAU → KA + って = KAって       →買って
「持つ」MOTSU → MO + って = MOって   →持って

Ending  Replace with Infinitive TE-form

す    →して     話す         話して

く    →いて     書く   書いて
ぐ    →いで     泳ぐ   泳いで
む    →んで     飲む   飲んで
ぶ    →んで     遊ぶ   遊んで
ぬ    →んで     死ぬ   死んで

う    →って     買う   買って
つ    →って     持つ   持って

I can imagine that it's hard for you to understand these conjugations.
But like I said, this is a basic knowledge to learn Japanese grammar.
So plz revise and practice as much as you can.
I'm gonna give you some exercises below.

Plz conjugate these verbs to te-form.
1.食べる → 食べ(  )
2.開ける → 開け(  ) *開ける(あける)[v] to open
3.渡す  → 渡(  ) 
4.探す  → 探(  )  *探す(さがす)[v] to look for
5.書く  → 書(  )  
6.泣く  → 泣(  )  *泣く(なく)[v] to cry
7.泳ぐ  → 泳(  ) 
8.遊ぶ  → 遊(  )
9.学ぶ  → 学(  )
10.死ぬ  → 死(  )
11.買う  → 買(  )
12.吸う  → 吸(  )  *吸う(すう)[v] to suck
13.持つ  → 持(  )
14.立つ  → 立(  )
15.勝つ  → 勝(  )  * 勝つ(かつ)[v] to win

The answer (´・ω・)
1.食べる → 食べ( て )
2.開ける → 開け( て ) 
3.渡す  → 渡( して ) 
4.探す  → 探( して ) 
5.書く  → 書( いて )  
6.泣く  → 泣( いて )  
7.泳ぐ  → 泳( いで ) 
8.遊ぶ  → 遊( んで )
9.学ぶ  → 学( んで )
10.死ぬ  → 死( んで )
11.買う  → 買( って )
12.吸う  → 吸( って )  
13.持つ  → 持( って )
14.立つ  → 立( って )
15.勝つ  → 勝( って )  

How was today's lesson?
I'm pretty sure that even Japanese people can't explain 'bout te-form.
But let me say again that 'te-form' is a basic knowledge be4 going to next step.
If you have any question plz ask me.
I'll call it a day.
Thank you so much.


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Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26