Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Let's structure Japanese sentence!

Hi, everyone, how are you doing??
You're able to read it, aren't you?
If you need to learn Japanese letters plz read my previous post Let's learn Japanese letter!.
In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you how to structure Japanese sentence as an introduction.
So, I'm not gonna teach how to write an essay in Japanese. Don't worry hehe.
By the way, I do remember the first time I've learnt English.
Did I learn how to say Hello? How to introduce myself?
What I've learnt first time was how to say ''This is a pen!''
Maybe most Japanese people answer the same question like this.
I've never said ''this is a pen'' in my real life.hehe
But This is gonna be your basic sentence structure.

Let's see how it works in Japanese.

''This is a pen''                   Subject + Verb + (Article) Object
''これはぺんです''           Subject +(Kind of Particle) + Object + Verb

* これ means 'this'
   ぺん means 'pen'
   です means 'to be'

は means.....hm
It's a bit hard to explain cuz they do not have it in English.
That's why I said 'kind of particle'.
We have 4 types of this kind of particle.
て,に,を and は, these four.
You have to change them in each situation.
But for now I'm not gonna teach them cuz it's complicated even for Japanese people hehe.
Don't worry I'll explain it later in another lesson :)
Anyway, Japanese sentence is structured as S + O + V basically.
Dose that sentence in Japanese need article before Object?
Not really.
If you wanna mention about amount of it you can say 'これはいっぽんのぺんです'.
*いっぽん means one pen/book/tree/etc..
Oh well, we have to learn how to count various things.
You feel excited, don't you? hehe
Anyway, you don't have to think abouot a,an and the in Japanese basically.
Let me say again.
What dose it mean?
Yes, it means 'This is a pen'.
Let me give you some vocabulary.
*ほん means Book
  いぬ means Dog
  みず means Water
  くるま means Car

Right, now let's practice using these words above.
'これはなんですか?'( What is this?)

How can you answer it?
Write your answer down on a peace of paper or something.

I would say 'これはみずです'.
A glass of water? Some water????
Like I said you don't have to think about amount in this case.
Because water is mere water as you know. hehe

We did a lots, right?
It was not enough for you?
Now you became able to say what this is.
Hun? How do I say 'What is that?'.
Hm,,, Let me teach you it next time :)

Thank you for reading my lesson :)

ぺん(ペン)[n] pen
本(ほん)[n] book
犬(いぬ) [n] dog
水(みず)[n] water
車(くるま)[n] car

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26