Monday 23 April 2018

#Practice あなたの趣味は? Let's talk about hobby!

Hello guys!
How's your Japanese going?
Now you know Japanese grammar and have enough vocabulary.
So you wanna use 'em, don't you?
Language is a mere communication tool bro.
By the way, I wanna ask for your advice about something.
Please listen to me.....


I met a cute girl at school yesterday.
I want to talk with her.
But what should I talk about?
I want to know what she likes.
Wanna be close to her,,,

So today we're gonna practice talking 'bout interests.
Can you help me? (´・ω・)

1.What's your hobby?

Probably you guys don't say 'hobby'.
What do you do on your day off? or What do you usually do when you are free? sound natural I guess.
In Japan, What's your hobby? あなたの趣味(しゅみ)は何ですか? is common phrase.
You'll be asked this question many times if you go to Japan.
Don't be afraid of it. They just wanna talk with you.
Let's practice together. :)
Let me give you some vocabularies first.

Vocabulary: 趣味(しゅみ) HOBBY

・音楽を聴くこと(おんがく を きくこと)     :listening to music
・本を読むこと(ほんをよむこと)/読書(どくしょ)  :reading books
・映画を見ること(えいがをみること)/映画鑑賞(えいがかんしょう)  :watching films
・ジムに行くこと  :working out at a gym
・スポーツ(をすること)  :playing sports
・ゲーム(をすること)  :playing computer games
・買い物(に行くこと)  :going shopping
・( any noun )集め/( any noun )を集めること  :collecting somethings
・写真を撮ること(しゃしんをとること)  :taking photos

Do you remember that some verbs can be uesd as a noun?
Yes, verb + こと.

英語を話すこと Speaking English
海で泳ぐこと  Swiming in the sea

私の趣味は、日本語を勉強すること です。
You got it?

Question. あなたの趣味はなんですか? What's your hobby?

Now it's your turn.
Please tell me your hobby!


Sounds good!
Tell me 'bout it more!

2.How often do you do?
I'm curious 'bout your hobby!
I wanna know 'bout it more!
Tell me!!!
There're some samples how to ask:
・どのぐらい(それ)やってるの? How often do you do (it)? /頻度(ひんど)
・いつからやってるの? How long have you been (doing it)? /期間(きかん)
・むずかしい? How difficult is it?
・どんな( noun )が好きなの? What kind of ( noun ) do you like?

Q.あなたの趣味は何ですか? What's your hobby?
A.私の趣味は、マンガを読むことです。My hobby is reading Manga.

Q.どのぐらい読むの? How often do you read?
A.暇なときはいつも読んでいます。 When I'm free I always read (it).
*暇(ひま)[n] free, be bored

Q.どんなマンガが好きですか? What kind of Manga do you like?
A.(私は、)ファンタジー(もの)が好きです。 I like fantasy (thing).

Q.どのマンガを読んだことがありますか? Which Manga have you read before?
A(.私は、)----やーーーーを読んだことがあります/読みました。 I've read ---- and ----.

3.Reading practice
 Read these sentences below and answer questions.
かのん君: おはよう!まなみちゃん!いい天気だね!(Good morning! Manami chan! It's good weather, isn't it?)
まなみちゃん: おはよう!そうだね!(Good morning! Yes,it is!)
かのん君: 今日は天気がいいからサイクリングに行こうかな。(Today is good weather so I'm gonna go cycling.)
まなみちゃん: かのん君、サイクリングするの?(Do you do cycling?)
かのん君: うん!まゆみちゃんは何か趣味はあるの?(Yes! Do you have any hobby?)
まなみちゃん: 私の趣味は、音楽を聴くことかな!(My hobby is listening to music!)
かのん君: どんな音楽が好きなの?(What kind of music do you like?)
まなみちゃん: HIP-HOPとかRAP MUSICが好きだよ!(I like HIP-HOP and RAP MUSIC!)
かのん君: え?ぼくもだよ!(Oh well. So do I!)
まなみちゃん: 前はJAZZ MUSICを聴いてたけど、今はよくエミネムを聴いてるよ!(I used to listen to Jazz music before but recently I often listen to Eminem!)
かのん君:  ほんとなの?でも、ぼくたち友達になれそうだね!(Really? But We can be good friends!)
まなみちゃん: うん!今度いっしょにカラオケに行こう!(Sure!Let's go to Karaoke sometime!)

1. まなみちゃんの趣味は何ですか?

Could you explain about your hobby?
Talking about hobby is always fun, isn't it? :)
Please tell me about your hobby on hellotalk.
I'm looking forward to hearing it from you. :)
Here are some questions for you.
 What kind of things do you usually do at the weekend?
 Why do you like it?
Well, I'm gonna try to talk to a girl who I met yesterday.
I hope we can be a friend like Kanon and Manami. :)
Wish me luck!

Answers.1. まなみちゃんの趣味は何ですか?
まなみちゃんの趣味は  音楽を聴くこと です。
かのん君の趣味は サイクリング です。
まなみちゃんは HIP-HOP や RAP MUSIC  が好きです。

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26