Wednesday 23 May 2018

JLPT N4 Vocabulary List #3

JLPT N4 Vocabulary List #3 100 words

Hi guys.
In JLPT N4, thre're about 600 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/

  1. 再来月(さらいげつ)[n] month after next
  2. 再来週(さらいしゅう)[n] week after next
  3. 政治(せいじ)[n] politics, government
  4. 生活(せいかつ)[n] living, life
  5. 生産(せいさん)[n] production, manufacture
  6. 西洋(せいよう)[n] Western Countries
  7. 世界(せかい)[n] world, society
  8. 席(せき)[n] seat
  9. 線(せん)[n] line, stripe
  10. 背中(せなか)[n] back (body)
  11. 先輩(せんぱい)[n] senior (at work or school)
  12. 戦争(せんそう)[n] war
  13. 説明(せつめい)[n] explanation, exposition
  14. 世話(せわ)[n] looking after, help
  15. 社長(しゃちょう)[n] company president
  16. 社会(しゃかい)[n] society, public, community
  17. 市(し)[n] city
  18. 試合(しあい)[n] match, game
  19. 仕方(しかた)[n] way, method
  20. 試験(しけん)[n] examination, exam, test
  21. 島(しま)[n] island
  22. 市民(しみん)[n] citizen, citizenry, public
  23. 品物(しなもの)[n] goods, article, thing
  24. 新聞社(しんぶんしゃ)[n] newspaper company
  25. 心配(しんぱい)[n] worry, concern, anxiety
  26. 親切(しんせつ)[n] kindness, gentleness
  27. 下着(したぎ)[n] underwear
  28. 支度(したく)[n] preparation, arrangements
  29. 失礼(しつれい)[n] discourtesy, impoliteness
  30. 失敗(しっぱい)[n] failure, mistake, blunder
  31. 食事(しょくじ)[n] meal
  32. 食料品(しょくりょうひん)[n] foodstuff, groceries
  33. 小学校(しょうがっこう)[n] primary school, elementary school
  34. 紹介(しょうかい)[n] introduction, presentation
  35. 小説(しょうせつ)[n] novel, (short) story
  36. 将来(しょうらい)[n] future, prospect
  37. 招待(しょうたい)[n] invitation
  38. 趣味(しゅみ)[n] hobby
  39. 出発(しゅっぱつ)[n] departure
  40. 出席(しゅっせき)[n] attendance, presence
  41. 習慣(しゅうかん)[n] habit, custom
  42. 祖母(そぼ)[n] grandmother
  43. 祖父(そふ)[n] grandfather
  44. 卒業(そつぎょう)[n] graduation
  45. 相談(そうだん)[n] consultation, discussion
  46. 水道(すいどう)[n] water supply, water service, water tap
  47. 水泳(すいえい)[n] swimming
  48. 隅(すみ)[n] corner, nook
  49. 砂(すな)[n] sand, grit
  50. すり[n] pickpocket
  51. 数学(すうがく)[n] mathematics
  52. 退院(たいいん)[n] discharge from hospital
  53. 棚(たな)[n] shelf
  54. 手袋(てぶくろ)[n] glove
  55. 点(てん)[n] dot, spot, point
  56. 店員(てんいん)[n] shop assistant, clerk
  57. 天気予報(てんきよほう)[n] weather forecast
  58. 展示会(てんじかい)[n] exhibition
  59. 寺(てら)[n] temple
  60. 都(みやこ)[n] metropolistan
  61. 床屋(とこや)[n] barbershop, barber
  62. 都合(つごう)[n] circumstances, convenience
  63. 月(つき)[n] moon
  64. 妻(つま)[n] wife
  65. 夫(おっと)[n] husband
  66. 腕(うで)[n] arm
  67. 受付(うけつけ)[n] reception, information desk 
  68. 運動(うんどう)[n] exercise, motion
  69. 運転(うんてん)[n] operation, operating
  70. 運転手(うんてんしゅ)[n] driver, chauffeur
  71. 裏(うら)[n] reverse side, rear, back
  72. 売り場(うりば)[n] sales floor, counter (in shop)
  73. 嘘(うそ)[n] lie, falsehood
  74. 訳(わけ)[n] reason, cause
  75. 割合(つごう)[n] rate, ratio
  76. 忘れ物(わすれもの)[n] something forgotten
  77. 約束(やくそく)[n] promise, agreement
  78. 用(よう)[n] business, task, errand
  79. 予習(よしゅう)[n] preparation for a lesson/class
  80. 予定(よてい)[n] plan, arrangement
  81. 用意(ようい)[n] preparation
  82. 用事(ようじ)[n] task, things to do
  83. 予約(よやく)[n] reservation, appointment, book
  84. 湯(ゆ)[n] hot water
  85. 指(ゆび)[n] finger
  86. 指輪(ゆびわ)[n] (finger) ring
  87. 夢(ゆめ)[n] dream
  88. 輸入(ゆにゅう)[n] import
  89. 輸出(ゆしゅつ)[n] export
  90. 夕食(ゆうしょく)[n] dinner, evening meal
  91. 上がる(あがる)[v] to rise
  92. 集まる(あつまる)[v] to gather
  93. 集める(あつめる)[v] to collect, to assemble
  94. 合う(あう)[v] to fit, to match, to suit
  95. 謝る(あやまる)[v] to apologize
  96. びっくりする[v] to be surprised
  97. 選ぶ(えらぶ)[v] to choose, to select
  98. 増える(ふえる)[v] to increase
  99. 踏む(ふむ)[v] to step on, to stamp on
  100. 太る(ふとる)[v] to grow fat, to gain weight

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26