Monday 14 May 2018

JLPT N5 Vocabulary List #3

JLPT N5 Vocabulary List #3 100 words

Hi guys.
In JLPT N5, thre're about 500 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/

  1. 外(そと)[n] outside
  2. 掃除(そうじ)[n] cleaning, sweeping
  3. 煙草(たばこ)[n] tabacco, cigarette
  4. 大使館(たいしかん)[n] embassy
  5. 卵(たまご)[n] egg, spawn
  6. 誕生日(たんじょうび)[n] birthday
  7. 建物(たてもの)[n] building
  8. 手(て)[n] hand
  9. 手紙(てがみ)[n] letter
  10. 天気(てんき)[n] weather
  11. 戸(と)[n] door
  12. 友達(ともだち)[n] friend
  13. 隣(となり)[n] neighbor
  14. 鳥(とり)[n] bird
  15. 年(とし)[n] year, age
  16. 図書館(としょかん)[n] library
  17. 時計(とけい)[n] watch, clock
  18. 場所(ばしょ)[n] place
  19. 机(つくえ)[n] desk, table
  20. 海(うみ)[n] sea, ocean
  21. 歌(うた)[n] song
  22. 上着(うわぎ)[n] coat, jacket
  23. 私(わたし)[n] I, me
  24. 山(やま)[n] mountain
  25. 野菜(やさい)[n] vegetable
  26. 休み(やすみ)[n] rest
  27. 夜(よる)[n] night, evening
  28. 洋服(ようふく)[n] clothes
  29. 雪(ゆき)[n] snow
  30. 郵便局(ゆうびんきょく)[n] post office
  31. 有名(ゆうめい)[n] famous
  32. 雑誌(ざっし)[n] magazine
  33. 全部(ぜんぶ)[n] all, entire, whole
  34. あげる[v] to give
  35. シャワーを浴びる(しゃわーをあびる)[v] to take (a shower),
  36. 日光を浴びる(にっこうをあびる)[v] to bask
  37. 開ける(あける)[v] to open
  38. 洗う(あらう)[v] to wash
  39. 有る(ある)[v] to be, to exist
  40. 歩く(あるく)[v] to walk
  41. 遊ぶ(あそぶ)[v] to play
  42. 会う(あう)[v] to meet
  43. 出す(だす)[v] to take out
  44. 出かける(でかける)[v] to go out
  45. 出る(でる)[v] to exit
  46. 入る(はいる)[v] to enter, to go/come into
  47. 吹く(ふく)[v] to blow
  48. 降る(ふる)[v] to fall
  49. 始める(はじめる)[v] to start, to begin
  50. 話す(はなす)[v] to talk, to speak
  51. 貼る(はる)[v] to stick, to paste
  52. 走る(はしる)[v] to run
  53. 働く(はたらく)[v] to work
  54. 引く(ひく)[v] to pull, to draw
  55. 行く(いく)[v] to go
  56. 入れる(いれる)[v] to put into
  57. 要る(いる)[v] to need
  58. 言う(いう)[v] to say
  59. 帰る(かえる)[v] to return, to go back (to home)
  60. 返す(かえす)[v] to return (something)
  61. 書く(かく)[v] to write, to compose
  62. 借りる(かりる)[v] to borrow
  63. 貸す(かす)[v] to lend, to loan
  64. 買う(かう)[v] to buy
  65. 消す(けす)[v] to erase, to delete
  66. 消える(きえる)[v] to vanish, to disappear
  67. 切る(きる)[v] to cut
  68. 着る(きる)[v] to wear, to put on clothes
  69. 答える(こたえる)[v] to answer, to reply
  70. 聞く(きく)[v] to hear, to listen
  71. 来る(くる)[v] to come
  72. 曲げる(まげる)[v] to bend
  73. 待つ(まつ)[v] to wait
  74. 磨く(みがく)[v] to polish, to shine
  75. 見る(みる)[v] to see, to look, to watch
  76. 見せる(みせる)[v] to show
  77. 持つ(もつ)[v] to hold
  78. 危ない(あぶない)[adj] dangerous
  79. 赤い(あかい)[adj] red
  80. 青い(あおい)[adj] blue
  81. 茶色い(ちゃいろい)[adj] brown
  82. 明るい(あかるい)[adj] bright
  83. 甘い(あまい)[adj] sweet
  84. 新しい(あたらしい)[adj] new, fresh 
  85. 古い(ふるい)[adj] old (things)
  86. 暖かい(あたたかい)[adj] warm
  87. 熱い(あつい)[adj] hot (things)
  88. 暑い(あつい)[adj] hot (weather)
  89. 厚い(あつい)[adj] thick
  90. 便利な(べんりな)[adj] convenient, handy
  91. 小さい(ちいさい)[adj] small
  92. 大きい(おおきい)[adj] big
  93. 近い(ちかい)[adj] near, close
  94. 速い(はやい)[adj] fast, quick
  95. 早い(はやい)[adj] early
  96. 上手い(うまい)[adj] skillful, be good at
  97. 下手な(へたな)[adj] unskillful
  98. 低い(ひくい)[adj] low
  99. 広い(ひろい)[adj] wide
  100. 忙しい(いそがしい)[adj] busy

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26