Sunday 8 July 2018

JLPT N3 Vocaburaly List #6

JLPT N3 Vocabulary List #6 100 words

Hi guys.
In JLPT N3, thre're about 1500 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/

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  1. 位(くらい)[n] rank, class, grade
  2. 暮らし(くらし)[n] life, living 
  3. 暮れ(くれ)[n] sunset, sundown
  4. 苦労(くろう)[n] hardship
  5. 苦しみ(くるしみ)[n] agony, pain, suffering
  6. (くさり)[n] chain
  7. (くせ)[n] habit
  8. 苦痛(くつう)[n] pain, agony
  9. 許可(きょか)[n] permission, approval
  10. (きょく)[n] bureau, department
  11. 強調(きょうちょう)[n] emphasis, highlight
  12. 恐怖(きょうふ)[n] fear, dread, dismay
  13. 競技(きょうぎ)[n] game, match
  14. 教授(きょうじゅ)[n] professor
  15. 教科書(きょうかしょ)[n] textbook
  16. 供給(きょうきゅう)[n] supply, provision
  17. 協力(きょうりょく)[n] cooperation
  18. 教師(きょうし)[n] teacher
  19. (きゅう)[n] sphere, counter for balls
  20. 救助(きゅうじょ)[n] rescue
  21. 休暇(きゅうか)[n] holiday, day off
  22. 休憩(きゅうけい)[n] rest, break, recess
  23. 給料(きゅうりょう)[n] salary, wage
  24. 吸収(きゅうしゅう)[n] absorption
  25. 間違い(まちがい)[n] mistake, error, incorrect
  26. (まご)[n] grandchild
  27. 迷子(まいご)[n] lost child, lost person
  28. 負け(まけ)[n] defeat, loss
  29. (まく)[n] curtain
  30. (まめ)[n] beans
  31. 真似(まね)[n] imitation, copy
  32. 満足(まんぞく)[n] satisfaction, contentment
  33. (まる)[n] circle
  34. (まつ)[n] pine tree
  35. 祭り(まつり)[n] festival, event
  36. (め)[n] sprout
  37. 名人(めいじん)[n] master, expert
  38. 明確(めいかく)[n] clear, precise
  39. 命令(めいれい)[n] order, command
  40. 迷惑(めいわく)[n] trouble, bother, annoyance
  41. (めん)[n] face, mask
  42. 綿(めん)[n] cotton 
  43. 免許(めんきょ)[n] license, permit
  44. (めし)[n] cooked rice, meal
  45. (み)[n] body
  46. (み)[n] fruit, nut
  47. 見事(みごと)[n] splendid, magnificent
  48. 味方(みかた)[n] ally
  49. 見舞い(みまい)[n] visiting ill or distressed people
  50. 見送り(みおくり)[n] seeing someone off
  51. 未来(みらい)[n] future
  52. 魅力(みりょく)[n] charm, fascination
  53. 土産(みやげ)[n] souvenir
  54. (みやこ)[n] capital, metropolis
  55. 文字(もじ)[n] letter, character
  56. 目標(もくひょう)[n] objective, target
  57. 目的(もくてき)[n] goal, purpose, aim
  58. 文句(もんく)[n] complaint
  59. (もの)[n] person
  60. 物語(ものがたり)[n] story, tale
  61. 物事(ものごと)[n] things
  62. 物音(ものおと)[n] sounds, noise
  63. 毛布(もうふ)[n] blanket
  64. 模様(もよう)[n] pattern, design
  65. 無駄(むだ)[n] futility, uselessness
  66. (むね)[n] chest, breast
  67. 無料(むりょう)[n] free, no charge
  68. 無視(むし)[n] ignoring, disregarding
  69. 虫歯(むしば)[n] cavity, tooth decay
  70. (なべ)[n] saucepan, pot
  71. 眺め(ながめ)[n] view, scene, propect
  72. 流れ(ながれ)[n] stream, current, flow
  73. 内容(ないよう)[n] contents
  74. (なか)[n] relation, relationship
  75. 仲間(なかま)[n] fellow, companion, ally, friend
  76. (なま)[n] raw, under cooked
  77. (なみ)[n] wave
  78. (なみだ)[n] tear
  79. 納得(なっとく)[n] consent, assent
  80. (なわ)[n] rope
  81. (なぞ)[n] mystery
  82. (ね)[n] root
  83. 値段(ねだん)[n] price, cost
  84. 願い(ねがい)[n] desire, wish
  85. 年代(ねんだい)[n] era, age, period
  86. 年中(ねんじゅう)[n] whole year, all year round
  87. 年間(ねんかん)[n] annual
  88. 年齢(ねんれい)[n] age, years (old)
  89. 熱帯(ねったい)[n] tropics
  90. (ねずみ)[n] mouse, rat
  91. 日常(にちじょう)[n] daily life
  92. 日中(にっちゅう)[n] daytime, during the day
  93. 日光(にっこう)[n] sunlight, sunshine
  94. 人気(にんき)[n] popularity
  95. 残り(のこり)[n] remnant, residue
  96. 能力(のうりょく)[n] ability
  97. 才能(さいのう)[n] talent, gift
  98. 農業(のうぎょう)[n] agriculture
  99. 農家(のうか)[n] farmer (as a job)
  100. 農民(のうみん)[n] farmer, peasant

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26