Monday, 13 January 2020
Find Words! #2 JLPT N5 Level
レベルはJLPT N5です!
Hi all!!
I'm Hiro, a Japanese teacher.
I made a game using simple words (JLPT N5 level).
But there are some words above N5 level.
How many words can you find?
The answer is below on this page.
Good Luck!!
The answer.
N5 level
赤(あか)[adj] red
映画(えいが)[n] film, movie
最後(さいご)[n][adj] last
ゴミ(ごみ)[n] rubbish, garbage
午後(ごご)[n] afternoon
冬(ふゆ)[n] winter
写真(しゃしん)[n] photo
病気(びょうき)[n] sickness, disease, illness
傘(かさ)[n] umbrella
英語(えいご)[n] English
部屋(へや)[n] room
橋(はし)[n] bridge
箸(はし)[n] chopsticks
雪(ゆき)[n] snow
金(きん)[n] gold
エイ(えい)[n] stingray
囲碁(いご)[n] Igo (board game of capturing territory)
運(うん)[n] luck
記者(きしゃ)[n] reporter
汽車(きしゃ)[n] steam train
雨季(うき)[n] rainy season
美容(びよう)[n] beauty (figure etc)
カサゴ(かさご)[n] scorpionfish
容器(ようき)[n] container
陽気(ようき)[n] cheerfulness
視野(しや)[n] field of vision
芯(しん)[n] core
野心(やしん)[n] ambition
How many words did you find??
Post on HelloTalk with this website URL. :)
Let's study together!!
Kanji Practice Sheets Download.
Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here: JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26
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