Thursday, 22 March 2018

Let's learn adjective + negative in sentence.

Hi all!
In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you how to structure negative sentence using adjective.
YeaH!! Learning grammar is always exciting!!
Do you remember how to structure positive sentence using adjective?
Adjective + です。
But there're 2 types of adjectives, i-adjective and na-adjective.
na-adjective connects to a noun directly but connects to です without な. Right?
If you don't know it yet plz check Here!
Are we on the same page? Yes?
Ok then, Let's start today's lesson. :)

In negative sentence, adjective dosen't connect to だ.
Instead, connects to くないです or じゃないです.
ない means 'Nothing' 'None'. And adding です means present.
If you wanna emphasise 'not' or if you're comparing somethings you can use くはないです or ではないです.

And here is today's tip.
i-adjective connects to くないです or くはないです without i.
As for example,
「かわいい」(KAWAII) connects to くないです without i. →かわいくないです(Not cute)
「高い」(TAKAI) connects to くないです without i. →高くないです(Not high)

On the other hand,
na-adjective connects to じゃないです or ではないです without na.
As for example,
「きれいな」(KIREINA) connects to じゃないです without na. →きれいじゃないです(Not clean)
「しずかな」(SHIZUKANA) connects to じゃないです without na. →しずかじゃないです(Not quiet)

It's easy enough, isn't it?
They can connect to a noun instead of です.
For example,
「Not」+「しずかな」+「人」= しずかじゃない人

And here is a tip.
When adjective connects to a noun you can use it as one of noun.
You can say かのじょは、かわいくない人です。(She is a person who is not pretty)
In this case, this sentence means 'She is ugly'.
But also you can say かのじょは、かわいい人じゃないです。(She is not a pretty person)
And in this case, this means only 'She is a not pretty person '. Do you know what I mean?
She might be normal or she might be strange.

Let's do some exercises!
1,He is not quiet.         かれは、しずかじゃない。
2,This is not a beautiful flower.    これは、きれいな花じゃないです。
3,This car is not expencive.          この車は、高くないです。

In short,
How to make a negative sentense is just add ないです/じゃないです end of a sentence.
Next lesson is gonna be about past tense sentence. :)
It's not difficult at all but plz make sure you understand basic adjective sentence.
Let's study together. :)
See ya!


Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26