Hi all. :)
In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you how to attach an adjective to a noun in Japanese.
It's not too difficult to understand I guess. Cuz It's similler to English.
Let me give you an example first.
This is a beautiful flower.
In this case, 'きれいな' is an adjective and attached to a noun '花'.
Just put an adjective before a noun as you do in English.
Sounds easy, dosen't it?
Phew, we did a lot today,right?
Not really?
Am I missing something...?
Oh, I gotta say this. sry guys.
In Japanese, there're 2 types of adjectives 'i-adjective' and 'na-adjective'.
That's a little bit complicated.
I'm gonna give you some useful adjectives first.
きれいな[adj] beautiful
静かな(しずかな)[adj] silent, quiet
可愛い(かわいい)[adj] pretty, cute, sweet, lovely
良い(よい/いい)[adj] good, cool,
かっこいい[adj] cool, handsome
高い(たかい)[adj] high,tall,expencive
低い(ひくい)[adj] low,short
きれいな, 静かな, these two are ended as な so they're calld na-adjective.
When they're connected to a noun they can directly connect to it.
However When they're connected to です or だ at the end of sentence they connect to them without な.
For example,
He is a quiet person. かれは、静かな人です。 (It directly connects to 人 as a noun)
He is quiet. かれは、静かです。 (It connects to です without な)
A beautiful flower. きれいな花。 (Even if there is no subject it connects to a noun directly)
(It's) beautiful. きれいです/だ。 (na-adjective connects to です without な)
If you don't know about です and だ yet plz check Let's learn です and だ!
We're almost there. :)
How about i-adjective?
It connects to a noun and です directly.
But it dosen't connect to だ.
Finish!Well done!
It's easy enough, isn't it?
Ok, guys
Thank you for....hm?
Do you wanna practice using adjectives??
Hm, you really wanna learn Japanese, don't you? :)
Fill in the blanks these sentences below.
1.Climb up a low mountain. ( )山をのぼる。
2.Here is quiet. ここは( )だ。
3.She has a pretty dog. かのじょは( )犬をかっている。
4.This car is expencive. この車は( )です。
5.He is a quiet person. かれは( )人だ。
1.( 高い )山をのぼる。
2.ここは( 静か )だ。
3.かのじょは( かわいい )犬をかっている。
4.この車は( 高い )です。
5.かれは( 静かな )人だ。
How was your answer?
Next lesson is gonna be about negative sentence and past tense.
So plz revice today's lesson. :)
In these lessons, I use only basic Kanji which I post in my blog.
Plz check them meanwhile. I post Kanji course everyday. :)
I'll call it a day.
Thank you!
I hope my lesson helps you a lot.
Kanji Practice Sheets Download.
Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here: JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26
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