Monday 24 September 2018

Let's learn grammar 「~で~」

Hello guys!
It's time to learn Japanese grammar!
In this lesson, we will learn how to use ''~で~''.
It's a kind of postpositional particle.
''で'' can be translated as ''at'', ''with'', ''of'', ''by'' etc..
Yes, postpositional particle is always complicated. :/
Anyway, let's have a look :)

First of all, I'll show you the usage of ''で'' as a particle.

・Place ''で'' To do something.
・Tool ''で'' To do something.
・Object は Material ''で'' できている。
・Cause/Reason ''で'' To have done/To have been done something.
・Term ''で'' To be finished/To have done something.
・Transport ''で'' To go/To come
//Meaning: at, with, by, made of, due to, for, within, etc.

Mainly ''で'' is used in these cases.
I know it's hard to remember which particle you should use.
But if you use particles correctly your Japanese will sound natural. 
You'll get used to using them soon :)

Let's have a look at each one.

・「場所」''で'' 何かをする。//To do something ''at'' Place.

  e.g. 図書館 で 勉強する。//To study at the library.

 In this case, ''で'' means ''at''.
''で'' represents the place where ''action is taken''.

*please just notice, ''で'' does NOT represents the place where ''action is going to'' or ''substance is existing in''.
 e.g. 私は 図書館 ''へ'' 行きます。//I go to the library.
        私は 図書館 ''に'' います。//I am in the library.

Let me give you some examples :)
・どこ で それを買いましたか?//Where did you get/buy it?
・本屋 で 買いました。//(I) bought (this) at a bookstore.
・ここ で 待っていてください。//Please wait here.

・「道具」''で'' 何かをする。//To do something 'with' Tool.

  e.g.はさみ で 切る。//To cut with scissors
In this case, ''で'' means ''with''.
''で'' represents the tool which is used for purpose.

・ほうき で そうじする。//To clean up with a broom.
・はし で 食べる。//To eat with chopsticks.

・「製造物」は「材料/原料」''で'' できている。//Object/Product is ''made of'' Material.

  e.g.この机は 木 で できている。//This desk is made of wood.
 In this case, ''で'' means ''be made of''.
''で'' represents the material which is used for the product.

・この置物は ガラス で できている。//This ornament is made of glass.
・その時計は 金 で できている。//That watch is made of gold.

・「原因/理由」''で'' 何かになる/なった。//To have done/To have been done something due to Cause/Reason.

  e.g.雨 で キャンセルになる。//It'll be canceled due to rain.
 In this case, ''で'' means ''due to''.
''で'' represents the cause/reason for the matter.

・風邪 で 学校を休みました。//I didn't go to school because of a cold.
・騒音 で 眠れません。//I can not sleep with noise.

*In this case, you can say のため instead of で.
 雨 のため キャンセルになる。
 風邪 のため 学校を休みました。
 騒音 のため 眠れません。

・「期間」''で'' 終わる。//To be finised/To have done something within Term.

  e..g.半年 で 終わらせる。//Finish in half a year.
 In this case, ''で'' means ''in'' or ''within''.

・3分 で 終わらせてください。//Please finish it within 3 minutes.
・この三か月 で 日本語が話せるようになりました。//I became able to speak Japanese in these 3 months.


・Transport ''で'' To go/To come

  e.g.バス で 行く。//Go (to somewhere) by bus.
In this case, ''で''means ''by''.
''で'' represents the method to go to place.

・電車 で 来ました。//I came by train.
・自転車 で 学校に通っています。//I go to school by bicyle.

Phew, It's really hard to remember all of them, isn't it?
These cases above are a mere example.
Postpositional particles would bother you.
But please do not neglect to learn them.
Like I said, if you used them correctly your Japanese would sound natural.
Trust me :)
In the end, let me give you some exercises.


・教室(  )勉強します。//To study at classroom.
・図書館(  )行きます。//To go to the library.
・はさみ(  )切ります。//To cut with scissors.
・このイスは木(  )できています。//This chair is made of wood.
・雨(  )電車が止まりました。//The train stopped because of the rain.
・先生は教室(  )います。//My teacher is in the crassroom. 
・この半年(  )10キロやせました。//I lost 10 kilos in this half a year.
・自転車(  )学校に通っています。//I go to school by bicyle.

How was today's lesson?
Yes, I know this is a hard part of learning Japanese.
It takes a long time to get used to postpositional particles.
Just practice and try to make a sentence. :)
If you have any question plz ask me anytime.
I want to help you as much as I can.
So please follow my HelloTalk ID(hiro07.WDLJ) and Twitter(@learnjaphiro).
I'm looking forward to seeing your sentence. (/・ω・)/
I hope my blog helps you learn Japanese.


・教室( で )勉強します。//To study at classroom.
・図書館( へ )行きます。//To go to the library.
・はさみ( で )切ります。//To cut with scissors.
・このイスは木( で )できています。//This chair is made of wood.
・雨( で )電車が止まりました。//The train stopped because of the rain.
・先生は教室( に )います。//My teacher is in the crassroom. 
・この半年( で )10キロやせました。//I lost 10 kilos in this half a year.
・自転車( で )学校に通っています。//I go to school by bicyle.

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26