Saturday 9 June 2018

JLPT N3 Vocabulary List #3

JLPT N3 Vocabulary List #3 100 words

Hi guys.
In JLPT N3, thre're about 1500 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/

  1. 変化(へんか)[n] transformation, change
  2. 変更(へんこう)[n] modification, change
  3. 被害(ひがい)[n] (suffering) damage, harm
  4. 悲劇(ひげき)[n] tragedy
  5. 批判(ひはん)[n] criticism
  6. 批評(ひひょう)[n] criticism, review
  7. 比較(ひかく)[n] comparison
  8. 飛行(ひこう)[n] aviation, flight
  9. 秘密(ひみつ)[n] secret, secrecy
  10. 紐(ひも)[n] string, cord, lace
  11. 額(ひたい)[n] forehead
  12. 否定(ひてい)[n] negation, denial
  13. 人々(ひとびと)[n] people (plural)
  14. 人混み(ひとごみ)[n] crowd (of people)
  15. 一言(ひとこと)[n] single word, a few words
  16. 等しい(ひとしい)[n] equal
  17. 費用(ひよう)[n] cost, expense
  18. 膝(ひざ)[n] knee
  19. 日付(ひづけ)[n] date
  20. 歩道(ほどう)[n] pavement, sidewalk
  21. 誇り(ほこり)[n] pride
  22. 埃(ほこり)[n] dust
  23. 骨(ほね)[n] bone
  24. 本気(ほんき)[n] seriousness
  25. 本物(ほんもの)[n] genuine article, a real thing
  26. 本人(ほんにん)[n] person oneself
  27. 炎(ほのう)[n] flame, blaze
  28. 頬(ほほ)[n] cheek
  29. 保障(ほしょう)[n] guarantee
  30. 仏(ほとけ)[n] Buddha
  31. 保存(ほぞん)[n] preservation, conservation, back up
  32. 法(ほう)[n] law
  33. 豊富(ほうふ)[n] abundance, wealth
  34. 方法(ほうほう)[n] method, wat, manner
  35. 報告(ほうこく)[n] report, infomation
  36. 方向(ほうこう)[n] direction, way
  37. 訪問(ほうもん)[n] call, visit
  38. 宝石(ほうせき)[n] gem, jewel
  39. 放送(ほうそう)[n] broadcast, broadcasting
  40. 表(ひょう)[n] chart, list, table
  41. 評判(ひょうばん)[n] reputation, fame
  42. 表現(ひょうげん)[n] expression, representation
  43. 表情(ひょうじょう)[n] facial expression
  44. 評価(ひょうか)[n] valuation, estimation
  45. 表面(ひょうめん)[n] surface
  46. 胃(い)[n] stomach
  47. 位置(いち)[n] position
  48. 市場(いちば)[n] market
  49. 衣服(いふく)[n] clothes
  50. 違反(いはん)[n] violation
  51. 委員(いいん)[n] committee member
  52. 異常(いじょう)[n] abnormality
  53. 息(いき)[n] breath
  54. 生き物(いきもの)[n] animal, living thing/creature
  55. 居間(いま)[n] living room
  56. 稲(いね)[n] rice plant
  57. 居眠り(いねむり)[n] nodding, nap
  58. 命(いのち)[n] life, one's life span 
  59. 印刷(いんさつ)[n] printing
  60. 印象(いんしょう)[n] impression
  61. 引退(いんたい)[n] retire
  62. 引用(いんよう)[n] quotation
  63. 一般(いっぱん)[n] general
  64. 一方(いっぽう)[n] one way, the other way
  65. 依頼(いらい)[n] request, commission
  66. 苛々/イライラ(いらいら)[n] irritation
  67. 医療(いりょう)[n] medical care
  68. 医師(いし)[n] doctor
  69. 意思(いし)[n] intention
  70. 意識(いしき)[n] consciousness
  71. 一生(いっしょう)[n] whole life, a lifetime
  72. 一種(いっしゅ)[n] species, kind
  73. 一瞬(いっしゅん)[n] instant, moment
  74. 板(いた)[n] board, plank
  75. 痛み(いたみ)[n] pain, ache, soreness
  76. 悪戯/イタズラ(いたずら)[n] prank, mischief
  77. いとこ[n] cousin
  78. 岩(いわ)[n] rock
  79. お祝い(おいわい)[n] celebration
  80. 泉(いずみ)[n] fountain
  81. 自動(じどう)[n] automatic
  82. 事実(じじつ)[n] fact, truth, realty
  83. 事情(じじょう)[n] circumstance
  84. 事件(じけん)[n] accident
  85. 時期(じき)[n] season, period
  86. 実験(じっけん)[n] experiment
  87. 実行(じっこう)[n] execution
  88. 時刻(じこく)[n] time, moment
  89. 自慢(じまん)[n] boast
  90. 事務(じむ)[n] business, office work
  91. 人物(じんぶつ)[n] person, character, figure
  92. 人口(じんこう)[n] population
  93. 人工(じんこう)[n] man-made
  94. 人類(じんるい)[n] human race
  95. 人生(じんせい)[n] life
  96. 人種(じんしゅ)[n] race (of people)
  97. 自殺(じさつ)[n] suicide
  98. 自身(じしん)[n] oneself, personally
  99. 自信(じしん)[n] self confidence
  100. 事態(じたい)[n] situation

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26