Friday 8 June 2018

JLPT N3 Vocabulary List #2

JLPT N3 Vocabulary List #2 100 words

Hi guys.
In JLPT N3, thre're about 1500 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/

  1. 永遠(えいえん)[n] eternity
  2. 柄(え)[n] handle, grip
  3. 営業(えいぎょう)[n] sales, business
  4. 影響(えいきょう)[n] influence, effect
  5. 衛星(えいせい)[n] satelite
  6. 栄養(えいよう)[n] nurtrition
  7. 演技(えんぎ)[n] acting, performance
  8. 援助(えんじょ)[n] assistance, aid
  9. 延期(えんき)[n] postponement
  10. 演奏(えんそう)[n] musical performance
  11. 演説(えんぜつ)[n] speech
  12. 餌(えさ)[n] feed, bait
  13. 不安(ふあん)[n] anxiety, uneasiness
  14. 筆(ふで)[n] (writing) brush
  15. 笛(ふえ)[n] flute, whistle
  16. 不平(ふへい)[n] complaint, dissatisfaction
  17. 不自由(ふじゆう)[n] discomfort, inconvenience, disable
  18. 不可能(ふかのう)[n] impossible
  19. 不幸(ふこう)[n] unhappiness, unlucky
  20. 袋(ふくろ)[n] bag
  21. 服装(ふくそう)[n] garments
  22. 不満(ふまん)[n] dissatisfaction, displeasure
  23. 雰囲気(ふんいき)[n] atmosphere
  24. 不利(ふり)[n] disadvantage, handicap
  25. 不正(ふせい)[n] injustice, unfairness
  26. 不思議(ふしぎ)[n] wonder, miracle
  27. 不足(ふそく)[n] insufficiency, shortage
  28. 双子(ふたご)[n] twins
  29. 夫婦(ふうふ)[n] married couple
  30. 風景(ふうけい)[n] landscape
  31. 害(がい)[n] harm, damage
  32. 外交(がいこう)[n] diplomacy
  33. 外出(がいしゅつ)[n] going out
  34. 画家(がか)[n] painter, artist
  35. 学期(がっき)[n] school term
  36. 学問(がくもん)[n] study
  37. 柄(がら)[n] design, pattern
  38. 画面(がめん)[n] screen
  39. 芸術(げいじゅつ)[n] art
  40. 劇(げき)[n] drama, play, musical
  41. 劇場(げきじょう)[n] theater
  42. 現場(げんば)[n] scene
  43. 現代(げんだい)[n] modern era, nowadays
  44. 言語(げんご)[n] language
  45. 現実(げんじつ)[n] reality, actuality
  46. 現状(げんじょう)[n] present condition
  47. 限界(げんかい)[n] limit
  48. 現金(げんきん)[n] cash, money
  49. 現象(げんしょう)[n] phenomenon
  50. 現在(げんざい)[n] now, current
  51. 議長(ぎちょう)[n] chairman
  52. 議会(ぎかい)[n] congress, parliament
  53. 疑問(ぎもん)[n] question, doubt
  54. 義務(ぎむ)[n] duty, obligation
  55. 議論(ぎろん)[n] argument, discussion
  56. 技師(ぎし)[n] engineer, technicain
  57. 誤解(ごかい)[n] misunderstanding
  58. ゴミ(ごみ)[n] rubbish, trash
  59. 合格(ごうかく)[n] passing (exam), success
  60. 合計(ごうけい)[n] total amount
  61. 強盗(ごうとう)[n] robber, mugger
  62. 軍(ぐん)[n] army, troop
  63. 軍隊(ぐんたい)[n] armed foreces
  64. 行儀(ぎょうぎ)[n] manners, behavior
  65. 幅(はば)[n] width
  66. 逆(ぎゃく)[n] reverse, opposite
  67. 肌(はだ)[n] skin
  68. 裸(はだか)[n] naked, nude
  69. 灰(はい)[n] ashes
  70. 配達(はいたつ)[n] delivery
  71. 俳優(はいゆう)[n] actor, actress
  72. 墓(はか)[n] grave, tomb
  73. 博士(はかせ)[n] doctorate
  74. 発見(はっけん)[n] discovery, finding
  75. 発行(はっこう)[n] publishing
  76. 博物館(はくぶつかん)[n] museum
  77. 拍手(はくしゅ)[n] applause
  78. 花火(はなび)[n] fireworks
  79. 羽(はな)[n] feather
  80. 販売(はんばい)[n] sales, selling
  81. 判断(はんだん)[n] judgement, decision
  82. 範囲(はんい)[n] range
  83. 反抗(はんこう)[n] opposition, resistance
  84. 犯人(はんにん)[n] criminal
  85. 犯罪(はんざい)[n] crime
  86. 発表(はっぴょう)[n] announcement
  87. 腹(はら)[n] stomach, abdomen, tummy
  88. 原(はら)[n] field
  89. 針(はり)[n] needle
  90. 鋏(はさみ)[n] scissors
  91. 破産(はさん)[n] bankruptcy
  92. 端(はじ)[n] end, edge
  93. 旗(はた)[n] flag
  94. 畑(はたけ)[n] field, farm
  95. 発達(はったつ)[n] development, industrial growth
  96. 発展(はってん)[n] development, industrial growth
  97. 発明(はつめい)[n] invention
  98. 堀(ほり)[n] moat
  99. 平均(へいきん)[n] average
  100. 平和(へいわ)[n] peace

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26