Sunday 10 June 2018

JLPT N3 Vocabulary List #4

JLPT N3 Vocabulary List #4 100 words

Hi guys.
In JLPT N3, thre're about 1500 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/

  1. 助手(じょしゅ)[n] helper, assistant
  2. 女王(じょうおう)[n] queen
  3. 冗談(じょうだん)[n] jest, joke
  4. 情報(じょうほう)[n] infomation
  5. 条件(じょうけん)[n] condition, requirement
  6. 乗客(じょうきゃく)[n] passenger
  7. 上京(じょうきょう)[n] proceeding to the capital(Tokyo)
  8. 状況(じょうきょう)[n] situation
  9. 常識(じょうしき)[n] common sense
  10. 状態(じょうたい)[n] condition, situation
  11. 上達(じょうたつ)[n] improvement, advance
  12. 上等(じょうとう)[n] superiority, first-class
  13. 女優(じょゆう)[n] actress
  14. 順番(じゅんばん)[n] turn, in order
  15. 順調(じゅんちょう)[n] doing well
  16. 銃(じゅう)[n] gun, pistol, rifle
  17. 住民(じゅうみん)[n] citizen, inhabitant
  18. 渋滞(じゅうたい)[n] traffic jam, congestion
  19. 住居(じゅうきょ)[n] residence, housing
  20. 需要(じゅよう)[n] demand, request
  21. 株(かぶ)[n] stock
  22. 勝ち(かち)[n] win, victory
  23. 価値(かち)[n] value, worth
  24. 回復(かいふく)[n] recovery, recuperation
  25. 絵画(かいが)[n] picture, painting
  26. 会合(かいごう)[n] meeting, assembly
  27. 海外(かいがい)[n] foreign, abroad, oversea
  28. 会員(かいいん)[n] member
  29. 会計(かいけい)[n] account, finance
  30. 解決策(かいけつさく)[n] solution
  31. 解釈(かいしゃく)[n] interpretation 
  32. 改善(かいぜん)[n] improvement
  33. 化学(かがく)[n] chemistry
  34. 影(かげ)[n] shadow
  35. 加減(かげん)[n] adjustment
  36. 鍵(かぎ)[n] key
  37. 籠(かご)[n] basket, cage
  38. 家具(かぐ)[n] furniture
  39. 家事(かじ)[n] housework
  40. 価格(かかく)[n] price, value, cost
  41. 係(かかり)[n] person in charge
  42. 活気(かっき)[n] energy, liveliness
  43. 過去(かこ)[n] past, bygone days
  44. 拡大(かくだい)[n] magnification
  45. 覚悟(かくご)[n] resolution
  46. 確実(かくじつ)[n] certainty, reliability
  47. 我慢(がまん)[n] patience, endurance
  48. 確認(かくにん)[n] confirmation, verification
  49. 神(かみ)[n] God
  50. 雷(かみなり)[n] lightning, thunder
  51. 髪の毛(かみのけ)[n] hair(of head)
  52. 科目(かもく)[n] school subject
  53. 缶(かん)[n] can, tin
  54. 管(かん)[n] pipe, tube
  55. 勘(かん)[n] intuition
  56. 感動(かんどう)[n] being impressed, being touched
  57. 考え(かんがえ)[n] thinking, thought, view
  58. 歓迎(かんげい)[n] reception
  59. 患者(かんじゃ)[n] patient
  60. 感じ(かんじ)[n] feeling, sense
  61. 感情(かんじょう)[n] emotion, feeling
  62. 感覚(かんかく)[n] sense, sensation, feeling
  63. 観光(かんこう)[n] sightseeing
  64. 観客(かんきゃく)[n] audience, spectator
  65. 環境(かんきょう)[n] enviroment
  66. 観察(かんさつ)[n] observation
  67. 感謝(かんしゃ)[n] thanks, gratitude
  68. 香り(かおり)[n] fragrance
  69. 火災(かさい)[n] conflagration, fire
  70. 完成(かんせい)[n] completion
  71. 菓子(かし)[n] candy, sweets
  72. 感心(かんしん)[n] admiration
  73. 関心(かんしん)[n] concern, interest
  74. 歌手(かしゅ)[n] singer
  75. 関連(かんれん)[n] relation, connection, relevance
  76. 管理(かんり)[n] control, management
  77. 完了(かんりょう)[n] completion, conclusion
  78. 監督(かんとく)[n] director, supervisor
  79. 型(かた)[n] model, type
  80. 肩(かた)[n] shoulder
  81. 刀(かたな)[n] sword, katana
  82. 活動(かつどう)[n] activity, action
  83. 活用(かつよう)[n] conjugation
  84. 皮(かわ)[n] skin, peel
  85. 革(かわ)[n] leather
  86. 数(かず)[n] number
  87. 経営(けいえい)[n] management
  88. 敬意(けいい)[n] respect, honor
  89. 掲示(けいじ)[n] notice, bulletin
  90. 刑事(けいじ)[n] police detective
  91. 景気(けいき)[n] business condition
  92. 警告(けいこく)[n] warning
  93. 傾向(けいこう)[n] tendency, trend
  94. 計算(けいさん)[n] calculation
  95. 契約(けいやく)[n] contract
  96. 経由(けいゆ)[n] via
  97. 結果(けっか)[n] result
  98. 欠陥(けっかん)[n] defect
  99. 煙(けむり)[n] smoke
  100. 券(けん)[n] ticket, coupon

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26