Monday 4 June 2018

JLPT N4 Vocabulary List #5

JLPT N4 Vocabulary List #5 100 words

Hi guys.
In JLPT N4, thre're about 600 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/

  1. 釣る(つる)[v] to fish
  2. 伝える(つたえる)[v] to inform, to report
  3. 包む(つつむ)[v] to wrap up
  4. 続ける(つづける)[v] to continue, to keep up
  5. 植える(うえる)[v] to plant
  6. 動く(うごく)[v] to move
  7. 受ける(うける)[v] to receive, to get (passive)
  8. 打つ(うつ)[v] to hit, to strike, to knock
  9. 写す(うつす)[v] to transcribe
  10. 別れる(わかれる)[v] to break up, to part
  11. 沸かす(わかす)[v] to boil
  12. 笑う(わらう)[v] to laugh
  13. 割る(わる)[v] to break into, to split into, to divide into
  14. 焼く(やく)[v] to burn, to roast, tp bake
  15. 焼ける(やける)[v] to be burnt
  16.  役に立つ(やくにたつ)[v] to be helpful, to be handy, to be useful
  17. 止める(とめる)[v] to let someone/thing stop
  18. 止む(やむ)[v] (something) stops
  19. 痩せる(やせる)[v] to lose weight, to become thin/slim.
  20. 汚れる(よごれる)[v] to get dirty
  21. 喜ぶ(よろこぶ)[v] to be delighted, to be pleased, to be glad
  22. 寄る(よる)[v] to approach, to drop by
  23. 揺れる(ゆれる)[v] to shake, to wobble, to sway
  24. 浅い(あさい)[adj] shallow
  25. 深い(ふかい)[adj] deap
  26. 大事な(だいじな)[adj] important, serious, crucial
  27. 恥ずかしい(はずかしい)[adj] shy, embarrassed
  28. 酷い(ひどい)[adj] cruel, heartless, awful
  29. 悲しい(かなしい)[adj] sad, sorrowful
  30. 硬い(かたい)[adj] hard, solid, tough
  31. 厳しい(きびしい)[adj] severe, strict, rigid
  32. 細かい(こまかい)[adj] fine
  33. 怖い(こわい)[adj] scary
  34. 真面目な(まじめな)[adj] serious, decent
  35. 珍しい(めずらしい)[adj] unusual, rare 
  36. 眠い(ねむい)[adj] sleepy, drowsy
  37. 苦い(にがい)[adj] bitter
  38. 寂しい(さびしい)[adj] lonely
  39. 可笑しい(おかしい)[adj] funny
  40. 素晴らしい(すばらしい)[adj] wonderful
  41. 凄い(すごい)[adj] amazing
  42. 正しい(ただしい)[adj] correct, right
  43. 丁寧な(ていねいな)[adj] polite
  44. 適当な(てきとうな)[adj] suitable, appropriate, aduquate
  45. 特別な(とくべつな)[adj] special
  46. 遠い(とおい)[adj] far away
  47. 旨い(うまい)[adj] delicious, appetizing (casual form)
  48. 嬉しい(うれしい)[adj] happy, glad
  49. 美しい(うつくしい)[adj] beautiful, lovely
  50. 優しい(やさしい)[adj] kind
  51. 柔らかい(やわらかい)[adj] soft, tender
  52. よろしい[adj] good, all right (humble form)
  53. 残念な(ざんねんな)[adj] bad luck, unfortunate, regrettable, disappointing
  54. 随分な(ずいぶんな)[adj] very, extremely (for negative things)
  55. 簡単な(かんたんな)[adj] easy, simple, uncomplicated
  56. 盛んな(さかんな)[adj] prosperous, popular
  57. 倍(ばい)[n] twice, double, times
  58. 真ん中(まんなか)[n] middle, centre
  59. 周り(まつり)[n] surroundings
  60. 匂い(におい)[n] scent, smell
  61. 入院(にゅういん)[n] hospitalisation
  62. 踊り(おどり)[n] dance
  63. 憶(おく)[n] hundred million
  64. お見舞い(おみまい)[n] visiting someone in hospital
  65. 表(おもて)[n] surface, front
  66. 留守(るす)[n] being away
  67. 両方(りょうほう)[n] both, both sides
  68. 多数(たすう)[n] large number, majority
  69. 特急(とっきゅう)[n] limited express
  70. 内(うち)[n] inside
  71. 外(そと)[n] outside
  72. 大分(だいぶ)[adv] considerably, greatly
  73. 大体(だいたい)[adv] generaly, substantially
  74. だから[adv] so, therefore
  75. どんどん[adv] rapidly, continuously
  76. はっきり[adv] clearly, plainly
  77. 非常に(ひじょうに)[adv] very, extremely
  78. ほとんど[adv] mostly, nearly
  79. この間(このあいだ)[adv] the other day, lately
  80. この頃(このごろ)[adv] recently, nowaddays
  81. これから[adv] after this, from now
  82. 急に(きゅうに)[adv] suddenly
  83. まず[adv] first of all
  84. もちろん[adv] of course, certainly
  85. もうすぐ[adv] soon, shortly
  86. さっき[adv] some time ago, a second ago
  87. 暫く(しばらく)[adv] little while, short while
  88. そんな[adv] such
  89. そんなに[adv] so much
  90. それに[adv] besides, in addition
  91. そろそろ[adv] soon, momentarily
  92. すっかり[adv] completely, totally
  93. すると[adv] thereupon, hereupon, and then
  94. 大抵(たいてい)[adv] mostly, ordinarily
  95. たまに[adv] occasionally, once in a while
  96. 確かに(たしかに)[adv] surely, definitely, indeed, certainly
  97. 特に(とくに)[adv] particularly, especially
  98. とうとう[adv] finally
  99. ついに[adv] finally, at last
  100. 結局(けっきょく)[adv] eventually

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26