Tuesday 5 June 2018

JLPT N3 Vocabulary List #1

JLPT N3 Vocabulary List #1 100 words

Hi guys.
In JLPT N3, thre're about 1500 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/

  1. 油(あぶら)[n] oil, grease
  2. 愛(あい)[n] love, affection
  3. 愛情(あいじょう)[n] love, affection (more formal)
  4. 相手(あいて)[n] partner, opponent
  5. 合図(あいず)[n] sign, signal
  6. 明かり(あかり)[n] light, illumination
  7. 空き(あき)[n] space, emtiness, vacancy
  8. 悪魔(あくま)[n] demon, evil
  9. 握手(あくしゅ)[n] handshake
  10. 案(あん)[n] idea, plan, thought
  11. 汗(あせ)[n] sweat, perspiration
  12. 穴(あな)[n] hole
  13. 暗記(あんき)[n] memorisation
  14. 安定(あんてい)[n] stability
  15. 足元(あしもと)[n] at/on one's foot
  16. 嵐(あらし)[n] storm, tempest
  17. 宛先(あてさき)[n] address (for posting/sending a letter/parcel)
  18. 跡(あと)[n] trace, track, mark
  19. 集まり(あつまり)[n] gathering, meeting
  20. 誤り(あやまり)[n] error, mistake, fault
  21. 泡(あわ)[n] bubble
  22. 哀れみ(あわれみ)[n] pity
  23. 場(ば)[n] place, spot, scene
  24. 馬鹿(ばか)[n] fool, idiot
  25. 爆発(ばくはつ)[n] explosion
  26. 場面(ばめん)[n] scene
  27. 弁護士(べんごし)[n] lawyer
  28. 美人(びじん)[n] beautiful women
  29. 瓶(びん)[n] bottle, jar
  30. 棒(ぼう)[n] stick, pole
  31. 冒険(ぼうけん)[n] adventure
  32. 部分(ぶぶん)[n] section, part
  33. 無事(ぶじ)[n] safety
  34. 武器(ぶき)[n] weapon
  35. 物価(ぶっか)[n] prices of commodities
  36. 文(ぶん)[n] sentence
  37. 文明(ぶんめい)[n] civilisation
  38. 分析(ぶんせき)[n] analysis
  39. 分野(ぶんや)[n] sphere, field (of studying)
  40. 物質(ぶっしつ)[n] material, substance
  41. 舞台(ぶたい)[n] stage
  42. 物理(ぶつり)[n] physics
  43. 分(ふん)[n] minute
  44. 秒(びょう)[n] second
  45. 平等(びょうどう)[n] equality, evenness
  46. 知恵(ちえ)[n] widom
  47. 違い(ちがい)[n] difference, diecrepancy
  48. 地平線(ちへいせん)[n] horizon
  49. 地方(ちほう)[n] district, region, local area
  50. 地位(ちい)[n] social position, status
  51. 地域(ちいき)[n] area, region
  52. 知事(ちじ)[n] prefectural governor
  53. 地下(ちか)[n] basement
  54. 遅刻(ちこく)[n] being late, lateness
  55. 地区(ちく)[n] district, section, sector
  56. 地球(ちきゅう)[n] the earth
  57. 知能(ちのう)[n] intelligence
  58. 知識(ちしき)[n] knoeledge
  59. 貯金(ちょきん)[n] saving (money)
  60. 著者(ちょしゃ)[n] author, writer
  61. 頂上(ちょうじょう)[n] top (of mountain), peak
  62. 長期(ちょうき)[n] long-term
  63. 短期(たんき)[n] short-term
  64. 調査(ちょうさ)[n] investigation
  65. 調子(ちょうし)[n] condition, health, tone
  66. 長所(ちゅしょ)[n] strength
  67. 短所(たんしょ)[n] weekness
  68. 中古(ちゅうこ)[n] used, second-hand (goods)
  69. 注文(ちゅうもん)[n] order, request
  70. 駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう)[n] car park
  71. 中心(ちゅうしん)[n] core, centre, middle
  72. 中央(ちゅうおう)[n] centre, middle
  73. 中止(ちゅうし)[n] suspension, being cancelled
  74. 昼食(ちゅうしょく)[n] lunch
  75. 大部分(だいぶぶん)[n] most part, majority
  76. 代表(だいひょう)[n] representative
  77. 大統領(だいとうりょう)[n] president
  78. 大臣(だいじん)[n] cabinet minister
  79. 代金(だいきん)[n] orice, payment
  80. 代理(だいり)[n] representation, agency
  81. 団体(だんたい)[n] organisation, group
  82. 出会い(であい)[n] meeting, encounter
  83. 出来事(できごと)[n] incident, affair
  84. 電子(でんし)[n] electron
  85. 伝統(でんとう)[n] tradition
  86. 毒(どく)[n] poison, toxicant, venom
  87. 独立(どくりつ)[n] independence
  88. 独身(どくしん)[n] single, unmarried
  89. 読書(どくしょ)[n] reading
  90. 泥(どろ)[n] mud, dirt
  91. 努力(どりょく)[n] effort
  92. 当時(とうじ)[n] at that time, in those days
  93. 同時(どうじ)[n] at the same time, 
  94. 金貨(きんか)[n] gold coin
  95. 銀貨(ぎんか)[n] silver coin
  96. 銅貨(どうか)[n] copper coin
  97. 道路(どうろ)[n] road
  98. 同僚(どうりょう)[n] colleague, coworker
  99. 道徳(どうとく)[n] morals
  100. 笑顔(えがお)[n] smile, smiling face

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26