Monday 24 September 2018

Let's learn grammar 「~に~」

Hello guys!
It's time to learn Japanese grammar!
In this lesson, we will learn how to use ''~に~''.
It's a kind of postpositional particle.
''に'' can be translated as ''at'', ''for'', ''to'', ''in'' etc..
Yes, postpositional particle is always complicated. :/
Anyway, let's have a look :)

First of all, I'll show you the usage of ''に'' as a particle.

・Place に To go/To come
・Place に To exist/To be
・Person に To give, To say, To let, etc.
・Person に To be given from, to be taught by
・Object に To do something
・Cause に To worry, To lead,
・Time に To do something, To be finished in,

Mainly ''に'' is used in these cases.
I know it's hard to remember which particle you should use.
But if you use particles correctly your Japanese will sound natural. 
You'll get used to using them soon :)

Let's have a look at each one.

・「場所」''に'' 行く/向かう。//To go to Place.

  e.g.家 に 帰る。//Go back to home.

In this case,
''に'' represents the place/location for purpose of the action.

・買い物 に 行く。//To go shopping.
・釣り に 行く。 //To go fishing.
・机の上 に 置く。//To put (something) on the desk.

 ・「場所」''に'' ある/いる。//To be in Place

  e.g. 先生は教室 に いる。//My teacher is in the crassroom.

In this case,
''に'' represents the place where substance is existing in.

・動物園 に パンダはいますか?//Is there a Panda in the zoo.
・リンゴが机の上 に ある。 //There is an apple on the desk.

・「人」''に'' 何かをする。//To give, To say, To let to Person.

   e.g.彼女 に チョコをあげた。//(I) gave a chocolate to her.

In this case,
''に'' represents the person who action was taken.

・先生 に 聞く。//To ask my teacher.
・生徒 に 教える。//To teach students.
・友達 に 言った。//(I) said (something) to my friend.

・「人」に 何かをされる。//To be given from, to be taught by, To be done something by Person

   e.g.彼女 に チョコをもらった。//(I) got a chocolate from her.

In this case,
''に'' represents the purson who caused the action.

・先生 に 教わった。//(I) was taught by the teacher.
・友達 に 言われた。//(I) was said (something) by my friend. (My friend told me)

 ・「対象」''に'' 何かをする。//To do something for Object, To be something for Object

  e.g. 紙 に 字を書く。//To write letters on a paper.

In this case,
''に'' represents the Object which action is for.

・ペンギンは寒さ に 強い。//Penguins are strong against the cold.

・「原因」''に'' 悩む/なる。//To suffer from, To become Cause

  e.g. 人間関係 に 悩む。//To suffer from human relations.

In this case,
 ''に'' represents the Cause.

・それが原因 に なる。//It will be the cause.
・お酒 に 酔う。//To get drunk with alcohol. 

 ・「時間」''に'' 何かする/終わる。//To do something, To be finished at Time

  e.g. 7時 に 起きる。//To get up at 7 o'clock.

In this case,
 ''に'' represents the Time.

・2時 に 終わる。//To end at 2 o'clock.
・明日まで に 終わらせる。//(I) will finish (it) by tomorrow.

Phew, It's really hard to remember all of them, isn't it?
These cases above are a mere example.
Postpositional particles would bother you.
But please do not neglect to learn them.
Like I said, if you used them correctly your Japanese would sound natural.
Trust me :)
In the end, let me give you some exercises.

 ・買い物(  )行く。//To go shopping.
 ・友達は教室(  )いる。//My friend is in the crassroom.
 ・生徒(  )教える。//To teach students.
 ・先生(  )教わった。//(I) was taught by the teacher.
 ・紙(  )字を書く。//To write letters on a paper.
 ・お酒(  )酔う。//To get drunk with alcohol.
 ・7時(  )起きる。//To get up at 7 o'clock.

How was today's lesson?
Yes, I know this is a hard part of learning Japanese.
It takes a long time to get used to postpositional particles.
Just practice and try to make a sentence. :)
If you have any question plz ask me anytime.
I want to help you as much as I can.
So please follow my HelloTalk ID(hiro07.WDLJ) and Twitter(@learnjaphiro).
I'm looking forward to seeing your sentence. (/・ω・)/
I hope my blog helps you learn Japanese.

・買い物( に )行く。//To go shopping.
・友達は教室( に )いる。//My friend is in the crassroom.
・生徒( に )教える。//To teach students.
・先生( に )教わった。//(I) was taught by the teacher.
・紙( に )字を書く。//To write letters on a paper.
・お酒( に )酔う。//To get drunk with alcohol.
・7時( に )起きる。//To get up at 7 o'clock.

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26