Monday, 24 September 2018

Let's learn grammar 「~に~」

Hello guys!
It's time to learn Japanese grammar!
In this lesson, we will learn how to use ''~に~''.
It's a kind of postpositional particle.
''に'' can be translated as ''at'', ''for'', ''to'', ''in'' etc..
Yes, postpositional particle is always complicated. :/
Anyway, let's have a look :)

JLPT N5 Grammar List

Hello everyone!
I listed JLPT N5 Grammar  below with example sentences.
*JLPT is an internationally recognised qualification for non-native speakers.
I'm trying to make a lesson individually but honestly I don't have enough time to do it. :/
I am sorry. ;;(
I hope this list helps you guys.

Let's learn grammar 「~で~」

Hello guys!
It's time to learn Japanese grammar!
In this lesson, we will learn how to use ''~で~''.
It's a kind of postpositional particle.
''で'' can be translated as ''at'', ''with'', ''of'', ''by'' etc..
Yes, postpositional particle is always complicated. :/
Anyway, let's have a look :)

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Let's learn basic Kanji #34 level 3

Hello guys!
How's your Kanji goin'?
I know it bothers you.
But if you know at least basic Kanji you can enjoy more Japanese culture. :)
Just try to write each Kanji 2 or 3 times. It's enough.
Better than nothing. (/・ω・)/
 By the way, Meaning is a mere example. When Kanji is used with other Kanji together that meaning is also changed.
For example, 花 means flower, 火 means fire. However 花火 means fireworks.
Let's study together!

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26